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173,816 results found, displaying on 3477 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
VS02243-CImage VS02243-CHoliday traffic on the A20 near Wrotham*Kent
VS02244-AImage VS02244-ABishops Way, Maidstone*Maidstone, Kent
Note trolly bus wires.
VS02244-BImage VS02244-BBishops Way, Maidstone*Maidstone, Kent
Note trolly bus wires.
VS02244-CImage VS02244-CBishops Way, Maidstone*Maidstone, Kent
Note trolly bus wires.
VS02244-DImage VS02244-DBishops Way, Maidstone*Maidstone, Kent
Note trolly bus wires.
VS02244-EImage VS02244-EBishops Way, Maidstone. Looking towards the river Medway*Maidstone, Kent
VS02244-Ed1Image VS02244-Ed1DLW 130 (?)Ruston Bucyrus *J W EllinghamMaidstone, Kent
Detail from original negative. Not very sharp. Smythe & Drayson timber storage sheds beyond.
VS02245-AImage VS02245-ALollipop ManMaidstone, Kent
VS02245-BImage VS02245-BLollipop Man*Maidstone, Kent
Note: Currys radio and cycle shop .
VS02245-C~Request PreviewLollipop ManMaidstone, Kent
Note: Currys radio and cycle shop . Spare negative
VS02246Image VS02246SKODASkoda 1000MB saloonFilm Review (magazine)ABC Cinema
Film Review competition "Carry on Cowboy"
VS02246-~Request PreviewSKODASkoda 1000MB saloonFilm Review (magazine)ABC Cinema
Film Review competition "Carry on Cowboy" - Spares
VS02247-AImage VS02247-AInside Chatham Royal Naval Dockyard StoresRND Chatham
VS02247-Ad1Image VS02247-Ad1Yale forklift truck*RND Chatham
VS02247-BImage VS02247-BInside Chatham Royal Naval Dockyard Stores*RND Chatham
VS02247-CImage VS02247-CInside Chatham Royal Naval Dockyard Stores*RND Chatham
VS02247-DImage VS02247-DInside Chatham Royal Naval Dockyard Stores*RND Chatham
VS02247-EImage VS02247-EInside Chatham Royal Naval Dockyard Stores*RND Chatham
VS02247-FImage VS02247-FInside Chatham Royal Naval Dockyard Stores*RND Chatham
VS02247-GImage VS02247-GInside Chatham Royal Naval Dockyard Stores*RND Chatham
VS02247-HImage VS02247-HInside Chatham Royal Naval Dockyard Stores*RND Chatham
VS02247-JImage VS02247-JInside Chatham Royal Naval Dockyard Stores*RND Chatham
VS02248-Ae1Image VS02248-Ae1Kingsnorth power station under construction*Hoo St Werburgh Kent c1963/64
Same image as VS02248-Ae2
VS02248-Ae2Image VS02248-Ae2Kingsnorth power station under construction*Hoo St Werburgh Kent c1963/64
Same image as VS02248-Ae1
VS02248-BImage VS02248-BKingsnorth power station - Exhibition of safety equipment*Hoo St Werburgh Kent c1963/64
Can anybody identify any of these gentlemen
VS02249Image VS02249D 108Volvo 122S saloonChatham c1963/64
Outside Darley Estate Agents
VS02250-Ae1Image VS02250-Ae1Maidstone & District main depotMaidstone
Can anybody identify the gentleman please? Photo same as VS02250-Ae2
VS02250-Ae2Image VS02250-Ae2283 DKTAEC Reliance 2MU3RV Park RoyalMaidstone & District [S283]Depot
Undergoing maintainence. Can anybody identify the gentleman please? Photo same as VS02250-Ae1
VS02250-BImage VS02250-BMaidstone & District main depotMaidstone
What's going on here? Can anybody identify the gentlemen please?
VS02250-CImage VS02250-CMaidstone & District main depot*Maidstone
What's going on here? Can anybody identify the gentlemen please?
VS02250-DImage VS02250-DMaidstone & District main depot*Maidstone
What's going on here? Can anybody identify the gentlemen please?
VS02250-EImage VS02250-EMaidstone & District main depot*Maidstone
What's going on here? Can anybody identify the gentlemen please?
VS02250-FImage VS02250-FMaidstone & District main depot*Maidstone
What's going on here? Can anybody identify the gentlemen please?
VS02250-GImage VS02250-GMaidstone & District main depot*Maidstone
What's going on here? Can anybody identify the gentlemen please?
VS02250-HImage VS02250-HMaidstone & District main depot*Maidstone
What's going on here? Can anybody identify the gentlemen please?
VS02250-JImage VS02250-JMaidstone & District main depot*Maidstone
What's going on here? Can anybody identify the gentlemen please?
VS02250-KImage VS02250-KMaidstone & District main depot*Maidstone
What's going on here? Can anybody identify the gentlemen please?
VS02250-LImage VS02250-LMaidstone & District main depot*Maidstone
What's going on here? Can anybody identify the gentlemen please?
VS02250-MImage VS02250-MMaidstone & District main depot*Maidstone
What's going on here? Can anybody identify the gentlemen please?
VS02251-AImage VS02251-ARoyal Engineers recovering civilian Ford Thames Trader near Wainscott Police StationWainscott, Kent
Can anybody identify the roads please?
VS02251-Ad1Image VS02251-Ad18009 KOFord Thames Trader tipperno titlesWainscott
VS02251-Ad2Image VS02251-Ad2** BD 32AEC Militant Coles CraneRoyal EngineersWainscott, Kent
Possibly 91 BD 32 (?)
VS02251-BImage VS02251-B8009 KOFord Thames Trader tipperno titlesWainscott
VS02251-CImage VS02251-C8009 KOFord Thames Trader tipperno titlesWainscott
VS02251-DImage VS02251-DRoyal Engineers recovering civilian Ford Thames Trader near Wainscott Police Station*Wainscott, Kent
Can anybody identify the roads please?
VS02251-Dd1Image VS02251-Dd191 BD 11AEC Militant Coles CraneRoyal EngineersWainscott, Kent
Possibly 91 BD 32 (?)
VS02252-AImage VS02252-ASite of former Barnards Music Hall, ChathamChatham
Note: Readicut Wool Shop, Dunn & Co., J Lyons & Co. and Neville Reed. Can anybody identify the road please?
VS02252-Ad1Image VS02252-Ad11377 KRMorris Minor vanThe North Kent Window Cleaning Co. [25]Chatham
Detail from original negative
VS02252-BImage VS02252-BSite of former Barnards Music Hall, Chatham*Chatham
Note: Readicut Wool Shop, Dunn & Co., J Lyons & Co. and Neville Reed. Can anybody identify the road please?
VS02252-Bd1Image VS02252-Bd11377 KRMorris Minor vanThe North Kent Window Cleaning Co. [25]Chatham
Detail from original negative