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173,816 results found, displaying on 3477 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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YB00566-15Image YB00566-15Traffic on the A59 Liverpool Road at Penwortham Brow.Penwortham, Preston c1960
Photo taken just prior to road being made into dual carriageway.
YB00566-16Image YB00566-16Traffic on the A59 Liverpool Road at Penwortham Brow.Penwortham, Preston c1960
Photo taken just prior to road being made into dual carriageway.
YB00566-17Image YB00566-17View from Penwortham Brow across The Holme to the works at Penwortham Lane.Penwortham, Preston c1960
Was this a gas works and if so what was its name?
YB00566-18Image YB00566-18View from Penwortham Brow across The Holme and A582.Penwortham, Preston c1960
YB00566-20Image YB00566-20Penwortham BrowPenwortham, Preston c1960
YB00585-tImage YB00585-tGathurst Viaduct - M6Gathurst Viaduct - M6Gathurst Viaduct, Preston By-Pass c1961
Series of 37 original negatives taken during the assembly and installation of the steel girders and related works.
YB00592-20Image YB00592-20A557 (N) passing under the road viaduct on approach to Runcorn Bridge.Widnes 1960/61
Railway viaduct on left of shot.
YB00592-tRequest PreviewRoad viaduct on approach to Runcorn Bridge.Widnes 1960/61
21 shots of the completed viaduct
YB00594-01Image YB00594-01Ruston Bucyrus 54-RB Face shovelSir Alfred McAlpine & SonsBelieved NW England c1960
Equipment looks revitevely new vehicle. Can anybody identify the location please?
YB00594-01d1Image YB00594-01d1Euclid R-27 DumperEuclid Wagon HirersBelieved NW England c1960
Equipment looks revitevely new vehicle. Can anybody identify the location please?
YB00594-02Image YB00594-02Euclid TS-24 road scraperSir Alfred McAlpine & SonsBelieved NW England c1960
Judging by the paintwork, this appears to be a revitevely new vehicle. Can anybody identify the location please?
YB00594-03Image YB00594-03Euclid TS-24 road scraperSir Alfred McAlpine & SonsBelieved NW England c1960
Judging by the paintwork, this appears to be a revitevely new vehicle. Can anybody identify the location please?
YB00594-04Image YB00594-04Euclid TS-24 road scraperSir Alfred McAlpine & SonsBelieved NW England c1960
Judging by the paintwork, this appears to be a revitevely new vehicle. Can anybody identify the location please?
YB00594-05Image YB00594-05Unidentified site of new road - possibly Preston By-PassBelieved NW England c1960
YB00606Request PreviewOld Roan, NethertonNetherton c1960/61
10 negatives in the Old Roan area where B5194 crosses A59
YB00606-02Image YB00606-02Old Roan, NethertonNetherton c1960/61