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172,220 results found, displaying on 3445 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
RS01055Request Previewvartbd tbdSevenoaks Bus Stn
various RTs in shot with passengers. Thick grainy neg
RS01056Request PreviewKXW 9Leyland tbdWimbledon CoachesBrighton rally
ex L.T. RTL 660
RS01057Request Previewvartbd tbdLondon Transport
poorly focused line up of assorted RT and RTLs including KXW 9, KGK 597, KYY 695, KGK 961, OLD 952.
RS01058Request PreviewLYF 154Leyland tbdLondon Transport [RTL 670]
96 - Putney Common
RS01059Request PreviewDLY 524tbd tbdLondon Transport
630 - Hammersmith Broadway
RS01060Request PreviewCGJ 188tbd tbdGreen Line (Preserved) [Q83c]Rally
RS01061Request PreviewGUF 397Guy tbdSouthdown [487]
97 - Top of Beachy Head
RS01062Request PreviewHOU 9*4 [?]Dennis Lancet ?Aldershot & District [D783]
RS01063Request PreviewKHA 301BMMO tbdMidland (Preserved)rally
RS01064Request PreviewKRL 98Ltbd tbd WillowbrookGrenville
Penryn - Falmouth Circular
RS01065Request PreviewTPC 110XLeyland Tiger ECWGreen Line (NBC) [TL 10]
RS01066Request PreviewOJD 463RLeyland FleetlineLondon Transport [DMS 2463]
50- Croydon
RS01067Request PreviewWUH 556KDaimler Fleetline Metro-CammellCity of Cardiff [556]
6 - Iremorfa (aoa Hill House Insurance)
RS01068Request PreviewOKW 478XVolvo B10M PlaxtonHarvard's of Rotherham
RS01069Request PreviewBHB 340CLeyland tbdMerthyr Tydfil B C
Farmers Arms - Merthyr
RS01070Request PreviewUKN 208Commer tbd Harrington Contendertraveler's vehicle
RS01071Request Preview(JKG 480F)Daimler Fleetline Metro-CammellCity of Cardiff [480]
'Cardiff welcomes the BR HQ' side view, front and regn not vis.
RS01072Request Preview697 AEHtbd tbd
Newton ( Nice shot but no idea what it is! )
RS01073Request PreviewMMC 101WBova tbdEmbankment
on contract to Alpine Express
RS01074Request Preview31 SNYLeyland Titan MasseyRhymney Valley District Council [918]
'1883 - 1983 100 years of municipal transport ' Driver training vehicle
RS01075Request PreviewKYY 529AEC Regent IIILondon Transportrally
probably preserved
RS01076Request PreviewMWV 151GDaimler Fleetline Northern CountiesSwindon Corporation [151]Swindon depot
AOA Arkells Beer ()
RS01077Request PreviewPFR 348Leyland tbdS. Wales
No titles
RS01078Request PreviewALD 983BAEC-PRV Routemaster Park RoyalLondon Transport [RM 1983]Stamford Brook Garage 4/6/83
27 - Stamford Brook Garage. (Golden Jubilee Open Day)
RS01079Request PreviewTBY 111RLeyland NationalWhytes [85]Heathrow
alongside PanAm B.707
RS01080Request PreviewSWV 153JDaimler Fleetline Northern CountiesSwindon Corporation [153]Swindon
33 - South Dorcan
RS01080-d1Request PreviewPMR 100Daimler tbd[100]Bus Station
15 - Stratton X Roads
RS01081Request PreviewEFN 165LLeyland NationalEast Kent [1165]
90 - Dover
RS01082Request PreviewJLA 59DAEC Merlin M-C-WTricentrolHeathrow
Silverline Airport Services (spots on negative)
RS01083Request PreviewNNY 760EAEC tbdPontypridd UDC
RS01084Request PreviewNDR 99Leyland tbdmunicipal operator [99]
60 - *haugh P*ca via *vistock Rd - Laira. (blind difficult to read!)
RS01085Image RS01085964 EHWBristol LD6G ECWBristol [L8510]Swindon
Route: 484 - Swindon
RS01086Request PreviewJPA 107KAEC Reliance Park RoyalGreen Line (NBC) [RP 7]Heathrow
727 - Crawley (AOA Champion spark plugs)
RS01087Request PreviewBedford VAL Harrington LegionnaireCampbell's
RS01088Image RS01088FBX 561WBedford YMQ Duple DominantDavies Bros [129]
Glangwili Hospital - Llanstephan Rd.
RS01089Request PreviewLAX 120EBristol RE ECWRed & White [RS.2067]
78 - Cardiff
RS01090Request PreviewGHT 154Bristol tbdBristol Tramways & Carriage Co. [C3336]
5 - Filton
RS01091Image RS01091TWN 737NLeyland NationalSouth Wales (NBC) [737]
1B - City Centre
RS01092Request PreviewWGY 584SLeyland NationalBritish Airways [BU 041]Heathrow
RS01093Request PreviewTCO 531Leyland AtlanteanPlymouth City [131]
RS01094Image RS01094MKO 117FDaimler Fleetline Northern CountiesMaidstone & District (NBC) [6117]
RS01094-d1Request PreviewPYE 767Ftbd tbd NAAFI waggonNAAFI
Serving hatch open and manned. Tea urn and pasti store visible This is a small image.
RS01095-d1Image RS01095-d1OCO 520Leyland tbdPlymouth City [120]
Route: 55 - Milton Cross
RS01095-d2Request PreviewJTA 765EBedford SB Duple Bela VegaGreenslades
Front half only, rest obscured by adjacent vehicle.
RS01096Request PreviewMXX 427AEC Regal IV Metro-CammellLondon Transport [RF 450]
206 - Claygate
RS01097Request Preview391 BUHAEC tbdCity of Cardiff [391]1973
Central Bus Stn / BR
RS01098Request PreviewMOD 978Bristol tbdpreserved
ex Royal Blue ?
RS01099Image RS01099561 CLTAEC-PRV Routemaster Park RoyalLondon Transport [RM 1561]
9 - Liverpool Street Stn
RS01100Request PreviewGYE 420WM-C-W MetrobusLondon Transport [M 420]
A2 - Heathrow. Airbus service
RS01101Request PreviewUKG 265tbd tbdSouth Wales (NBC) [343]
303 - Haverfordwest