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172,220 results found, displaying on 3445 pages (click any column heading to sort).
Click on a Cat# link or Preview image to view image details and to order copies.
Click on a Request Preview link to do just that.

Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
RS00956Request Preview815.P.4Mercedes-Benz O.302 JonckheereFourways [15]18th BCR
BCR # 19
RS00957Request Preview336.P.6Kassbohrer Setra tbdTourisme de Nordzee [C]18th BCR
BCR # 27
RS00958Request PreviewEUH 467DGuy Arab V AlexanderDinas Caerdydd [467]
Littlewoods pools (S)
RS00959Request PreviewKXW 234AEC Regent III WeymannLondon Country [RT 3125]
sold out of service
RS00960Request Preview8996 KS 59 [F]Mercedes-Benz O.303Odoux
RS00961Request Preview3218 MC 59Mercedes-Benz O.303Delfly
RS00962Request PreviewJ 1458Albion tbdJMT
5 - St.Helier
RS00963Request Preview9750 NALeyland tbd
RS00964Request PreviewJ1683Seddon tbdJMTJersey
poor focus
RS00965Image RS00965OAX 9FBristol tbd ECWRed & White (NBC) [RC 968]
small marks on neg
RS00966Request PreviewFUF 181Dennis FalconIndependent State of CuckfieldBluebell Rly
RS00967Request Previewvartbd busLondon Country (NBC)Crawley Bus Station
general view includes: BPH 145H (434 - East Grinstead); ??? 701H (462); VLW 270G (476 - Crawley); CUV 253C (476A - Redhill). Shot also includes Enquiries and Refreshments room, boarding points, passengers etc.
RS00968Request PreviewRTT 417Ntbd coachCornwall Coachways (NBC) [2417]Falmouth
'Falmouth Hotels Assn. - FREE TOWN TOUR'
RS00969Request PreviewCGJ 188tbd coachGreen Line
preserved vehicle
RS00970Request PreviewTHM 525Mtbd double deckerCornwall Busways (NBC) [811]
poor focus
RS00971Request PreviewXNR 997YBedford tbd Duple DominantBexleyheath TransportHeathrow
RS00972Request PreviewPGC 201LScania CR111MH Metro-CammellLondon Transport [MS 1]Rally
RS00973Request PreviewYPD 114YLeyland Tiger Duple DominantGreen Line (NBC) [TD 14]
poor focus
RS00974Request PreviewCLX 548Leyland tbd one & half deckerLondon Transport [C111]Rally
RS00975Request PreviewWNK 473JBedford VAL Duple ViceroyTravellers InternationalHeathrow
RS00976Request PreviewFJJ 774tbd coachGreen Line [TF 77]Rally
RS00977Request PreviewBTX 540JBristol VRGelligaer UDC [40]Showbus (?)
RS00978Request Preview523 FNtbd coach Plaxton Panorama EliteEast Kent
RS00979Request PreviewEFN 167LLeylane NationalEast Kent (NBC)
90 - Dover (Damaged neg)
RS00980Request PreviewFWC 439HBristol RE ECWEastern National (NBC) [KN 1516]
53 - Kelvedon
RS00981Request Preview302 TRtbd double decker Alexander
AOA 'Bierritz the Unusual'
RS00982Request PreviewDDM 20Xtbd coachCrosville (NBC) [ELL 20]
RS00983Request PreviewFHB 172GLeyland Leopard East LancsMerthyr Tydfil [172]
RS00984Request PreviewXT* *45AEC tbdPopular Flying Assn
RS00985Request Previewtbd coach Plaxton Panorama EliteC G Littlewood
RS00986Request PreviewRLN 234WLeyland articulatedBritish Airways [BU 307]Heathrow
RS00987Request PreviewCXX 171AEC tbdLondon Transport [T448c]Rally
RS00988Request PreviewFDA 999JFord tbd Plaxton Panorama EliteBest & Sons
RS00989Request Preview409 DCDLeyland Titan N.CountiesSouthdown (NBC) [3209]Southsea rally
AOA 'Maritime England' ()
RS00990Request PreviewHWO 323Leyland tbdRed & White [C.350]Rally
RS00991Request Preview3136 MXFord Thames tbd Duple
RS00992-01Request PreviewKTF 590AEC RegentCity of Lancaster [61]Epsom Downs
RS00992-02Request PreviewPFN 873AEC tbdEast Kent (NBC)Epsom Downs
RS00993Request PreviewDF-74-23DAF tbd Neoplan 15A M Z [175]Paris
American Express charter
RS00994Request PreviewIS-AA300Neoplan 116Quecke ReisenParis
RS00995Image RS00995DMO 665Bristol LL5G ECWThames Valley [795]Garage
Route: 5 - Relief
RS00996Request PreviewOHV 747YLeyland TitanLondon Transport [T 1943]
Round London Sightseeing Tour (Fleet number reads T 1943 but should be T 747)
RS00997Request PreviewNKY 161tbd coachDon's ToursWest London
RS00998Request PreviewA339tbd three wheelerThailand or Cabodia
RS00999Request PreviewBYX 243VM-C-W MetrolinerLondon Transport [M243]rally
RS01000Request PreviewTTR 156Htbd double deckerSouthanpton [920]
Driver training bus
RS01001Request PreviewPAX 466FLeyland tbdStevensons Bus Service [30]Showbus
RS01002Request PreviewTNG 370GBristol VR ECWEastern Counties [VR370]
14 - Eye ()
RS01003Request PreviewRUF 40RLeyland NationalSouthdown (NBC)Btn Pavilion
46 - Old Steine
RS01004Request PreviewECK 941Leyland tbdArmstrongs