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173,816 results found, displaying on 3477 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
RK00057Image RK00057*YY *56DAlbion tbd aircraft refulerBlackbushe AirportBlackbushe Airport
Registration partly obscured by bumper step. First letter "P" or "R", first digit could be "3" or "8". Carries the old BP fleet number 04323.
RK00058Image RK00058*BY 371Scammell Pioneer? road plainer?W & J Glossop
RK00059Request PreviewB229 TNEFord Transit casualty treatment unitStJohn Ambulance [SJ281]
RK00060Request PreviewC538 PYJLeyland Roadrunner 8-10 Besco parcls vanRoyal Mail
RK00061Image RK00061PGH 16LDennis tbd emergency rescue tenderLondon Fire Brigade [D27]
RK00062Request PreviewReliance-Mercury aircraft tractorReliance MercurySBAC Farnborough
demonstrator -
RK00063Request PreviewDYJ 380Albion tbd platformBroughty Ferry (Preserved)rally
RK00064Request PreviewGXC 473Scammell tbd low loaderJ & Brally
RK00065Request PreviewD54 CPHtbd tbd aircraft crash tenderBlackbushe AirportBlackbushe Airport
RK00066Request PreviewJ12 SJAMercedes-Benz tbd Dormobile ambulanceSt John Ambulance [LD602]
RK00067Request PreviewCSV 376MTN (?) tbd front & rear stear with Hiab hoistD H Fry
RK00068Request PreviewGloster Saro Javelin aircraft crash tenderGloster SaroSBAC Farnborough
RK00069Request Preview31 AG 34Land Rover Range Rover Gloster Saro crash rescue vehicleRAFSBAC Farnborough
RK00070Image RK00070MWV 153PScammell Explorer showmansHarris (showman)
RK00071Image RK00071WPX 925FAEC Matador recovery vehicle
RK00072Request PreviewJHO 889LAtkinson tbd generator unit
coupled to a ride trailer -
RK00073Request PreviewNJH 460LFoden tbd platform
'Super-fast Speedway'
RK00074Request PreviewFCL 999FMoris tbd ambulanceCity of Norwich (Preserved)
RK00075Image RK00075EPE 750VLand Rover Range Rover aircraft crash rescueRAE FarnbroughFarnborough
RK00076Request PreviewSPO 191KFord Transit ambulanceWest Sussex [27]
RK00077Request PreviewLKD 370RVolvo F88 mobile generatorJohn Biddall (showman)
hauling ride transporter
RK00078Request PreviewMUL 534PLeyland FG ambulance
patient transport
RK00079Request PreviewSLW 178Dennis tbd fire engineLondon Fire Brigade (Preserved)
RK00080Request Preview358 AMLFoden tbd platformpreserved
RK00081Image RK00081WNO 275Scammell tbd tractorP J Bambury (Preserved) (showman)
RK00082Request PreviewXBW 768MLeyland tbd generator unitTraylen's (showman)
RK00083Request Preview574 EYULeyland Titan PD3A railway breakdown tenderLondon Transport [1276L]Hownslow West
RK00084Request PreviewCarmichael Jet Ranger foam unitCarmichaelSBAC Farnborough
RK00085Request PreviewNTW 901YBedford TK Crime prevention advice unitMetropolitan Police
RK00086Request PreviewOBC 92PERF B dodgems transporterKirtlands (showman)
RK00087Request PreviewCCR 331WFord Transit ambulanceBritish Red Cross
RK00088Request Previewairplane rideWroughton
RK00089Request PreviewD179 WPCFord Transit ambulanceSurrey [91]
RK00090Request PreviewGNH 6XFord Transit ambulanceBritish Red CrossSBAC Farnborough
RK00091Request PreviewSimon Gloster Saro Protector crash tenderStornoway [1]SBAC Farnborough
RK00092Request PreviewWBO 748SERF B dodgems transporterGuyatt (showman)
RK00093Request PreviewAFN 291VVolvo F7 31 tipper
No titles
RK00094Request PreviewCCR 330WFord Transit ambulanceBritish Red Cross
RK00095Image RK00095G29 YLKRenault S56 Houchin aircraft ground power unitBritish Airways [GP4552]SBAC Farnborough
RK00096Request PreviewGCW 286NLeyland Lynx lutonFunfair on Tour (showman)
RK00097Request PreviewOBC 92PERF B Dodgem transporterKirtlands (showman) [2]
RK00098Image RK00098VWF 704Foden tbd tractor unitL V Brooksbank
RK00099Request PreviewCVR 785YERF C40 accomodation vehicleTravelling Smiths
RK00100Request PreviewPJM 604XERF C36 generator unit
RK00101Request PreviewUNO 493Bedford O ambulancerally
RK00102Request PreviewXS 6267Scammell Rigid 8 dropsideBritish Road Services (BRS) [P25J368]rally
preserved ()
RK00103Image RK00103MWV 153PScammell ExplorerHarris (showman) [4]rally
RK00104Request PreviewEPU 307TScania 111 platformrally
RK00105Request PreviewXVX 121XFord Transit mini busEssex Policerally
may be preserved?
RK00106Request PreviewLKX 493PFoden S83 generator unitG Guvat (showman) [6]rally