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173,816 results found, displaying on 3477 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
RH01887-01Request PreviewV395 UUAScania 114L 6W tanker semiWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01887-02Request PreviewR560 EHPDennis tbd Pheonix refuse collectorBiffaWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01887-03Request PreviewT945 VKJVolvo FM12 380 curtain side 6W semiThe Page GroupWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01887-04Request PreviewF37 CKMVolvo F18 6W tipper semi'Rollin home' (Steve)Worthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01888-01Image RH01888-01M90 LAMMercedes-Benz 1834 6W curtain sided semiLambert Brothers Haulage Ltd.Worthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01888-02Image RH01888-02F958 PBPERF tbd tipperSibleyWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01888-03Image RH01888-03M976 KOMScania 113M/320 self loading block transporterBuilding MaterialsWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01889-01Image RH01889-01S553 WUGScania 124L/360 4W reefer semiAsdaWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01889-02Image RH01889-02L964 PMYLeyland DAF 75 'A' frame transporterCoversWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01889-03Image RH01889-03P454 KPXLeyland DAF 75 self loading flat with 4W db beaver trailerCPC Plant HireWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
with Portacabin
RH01889-04Image RH01889-04MTH 993Scania 93M/280 2W box semiBoulton & PaulWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01890-01Image RH01890-01S885 TUJLeyland DAF 75 tipperTarmac HaulageWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01890-02Image RH01890-02X544 ACFScania P124L 6W tanker semiHoyer Logistics (Esso) [7711]Worthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01890-03Image RH01890-03G787 GUXVolvo FL10 2 deck car transporter with 6W two deck db trailerWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01890-04Image RH01890-04W542 DWRERF EC11 6W tanker semiBP [HA324]Worthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01891-01Image RH01891-01P407 TEEScania 113M/300 6W curtain sided semi'The Wolf'Worthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01891-02Image RH01891-02X407 UYAScania 114L/380 6W flat semiNewton Steel StockWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01891-03Image RH01891-03M394 SVTFoden 4325 tipperMJSWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01891-04Image RH01891-04K937 TKLIveco Ford 75E reeferBrake BrosWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01892-01Request PreviewR362 FNVDAF 95 CF 4w curtain sided semiHays DistributionWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01892-02Request PreviewW905 JBJScania 114L/380 6w skeletal with containerMaritimeWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01892-03Request PreviewS435 WUGScania 124L/360 Boaloy 6W Tautliner semiAsdaWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01892-04Request PreviewR276 EHULeyland DAF 65 reeferApetitoWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01893-01Image RH01893-01X503 FTRLeyland DAF 95 CF tipperP.J.BillinghamWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01893-02Image RH01893-02Y833 HPLDAF 95 XF 6w box semiFransen TransportWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01893-03Image RH01893-03H241 MTXERF E 6w curtain sided semiJ L HutchinsonWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
hauling Autocontext trailer
RH01893-04Image RH01893-04X169 NHKScania 114L/340 4w box semiWilkinsonWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01894-01Request PreviewV896 FOTMercedes-Benz Actros 2540 6w tipperJordansWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01894-02Request PreviewV717 MCRMercedes-Benz Actros 2640 skip transporter with 4w db trailerJordansWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01894-03Request PreviewN181 PUDPPM mobile craneSouthern Crane ServicesWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01894-04Request PreviewX299 ACFScania 114L/340 6w curtain sided semiSafeway [13150]Worthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01895-01Request PreviewJ317 LCWIveco Ford Cargo lutonPickfords [M4765]Worthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01895-02Request PreviewM96 CHWERF EC14 6w chemical tanker semiThames WaterWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01895-03Request PreviewP782 ERXMAN tbd boxTawny TTWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01896-01Request PreviewT474 JJALeyland DAF 45 prisoner transporterWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01896-02Request PreviewN791 TLJtbd rigid AmbulanceDorsetWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01896-03Request PreviewBO97 TS 85 [Fr]Mercedes-Benz 1617 (?) 4w box semiThoinardWorthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01896-04Request PreviewR28 TYDERF EC11 6w curtainsided semiR T Keedwell [128]Worthing (Junct A24/A27) 26/7/01
RH01897-01Image RH01897-01GR 3635 IPegaso 11/35 high dropsideS. Martin AcostaFrigiliana 11/01
RH01897-03Image RH01897-03AL 7259 WVolvo FH12 420 Lamberet 6w reeferA. TajaedoAlmuñécar 11/01
RH01897-04Image RH01897-04AL 0182 AHVolvo FH12 420 Lamberet 6w reeferMoñoz Huertas SLAlmuñécar 11/01
use HR1904/2
RH01898-01Image RH01898-01AL 0458 AFVolvo FH12 420 Lamberet 6w reeferJ. CarrionAlmuñécar 11/01
RH01898-02Image RH01898-02AL 6880 ABVolvo FH12 420 Lamberet 6w reeferRico SanchezAlmuñécar 11/01
RH01898-03Image RH01898-03AL 0179 AHVolvo FH12 460 Lamberet 6w reeferRico SanchezAlmuñécar 11/01
RH01898-04Image RH01898-04GR 2397 PPegaso tbd dropside with tiltFco. Gonzalez AlteaAlmuñécar 11/01
RH01899-01Request PreviewAL 7335 WVolvo FH12 420 6w reeferNebefranAlmuñécar 11/01
RH01899-02Request PreviewGR 0633 AKVolvo FH12 420 6w reeferCarfrutransAlmuñécar 11/01
Portrait of owner's daughter on right side
RH01899-03Request PreviewAL 7216 XVolvo FH12 420 6w reeferI.I.T.T.Almuñécar 11/01
RH01899-04Request PreviewGR 9642 ASMercedes-Benz Actros Mirofret 6w reeferHnos. LiranzoAlmuñécar 11/01
RH01900-01Request PreviewGR 1820 AWDAF 95XF 6w tanker semiAlmuñécar 11/01