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173,816 results found, displaying on 3477 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
RG00437-01Request PreviewGJG 638DBristol tbd ECW (?)East Kent (NBC)Canterbury
006 - London
RG00437-02Request PreviewVFN 36Htbd coach PlaxtonEast Kent (NBC)Canterbury
00 - Private
RG00437-03Request PreviewWFN 831AEC tbdEast Kent (NBC)Canterbury
3 -Canterbury
RG00438-01Request PreviewVLW 309GAEC Merlin M-C-WAllmeyBus rally
Uxbridge Station
RG00438-02Request PreviewVWK 239Daimler CVG6 Metro CammellWMT - West Midlands [239Y]Bus rally
RG00439-01Request PreviewUS 6798Albion tbdEasyBus rally
'East Coast Express'
RG00439-02Request PreviewPJF 15RLeyland Leopard PSU 3D/4R Willowbrook 008 SpacecarLeicester City Transport [15]Bus rally
RG00439-03Request PreviewJO 5403AEC RegentOxford [16]Bus rally
RG00440-01Request PreviewSMU 903NDaimler FleetlineLondon TransportMuswell Hill
W7 (Not sharp)
RG00440-02Request PreviewSMU 903NDaimler FleetlineLondon TransportMuswell Hill
W7 (Not sharp)
RG00441-01Request PreviewAML 602HAEC Merlin M-C-WTownsend ThoresenDover
RG00441-02Request PreviewSMK 725FAEC Routemaster Park RoyalLondon Transport [RML 2725]Dover
Private hire
RG00441-03Request Preview613 WTEtbd busA.P.C.Dover
Folkstone No.3
RG00442-01Image RG00442-01DGU 610Morris Commercial Light vanF.W.Simes & SonDover
RG00442-02Image RG00442-02DGU 610Morris Commercial Light vanF.W.Simes & SonDover
RG00442-03Image RG00442-03VLW 425GAEC Merlin M-C-WLondon Country [MBS 425]Darnley Road, Gravesend
496 - Kings Farm Est. (Not sharp) Passing "The Wheatsheaf"
RG00443-01Request PreviewPDD 100Mtbd coach Duple DominantBlack & White (NBC) [100]
RG00443-02Request PreviewPDD 100Mtbd coach Duple DominantBlack & White (NBC) [100]
RG00443-03Request PreviewAML 605HAEC Merlin M-C-WTownsend Thoresen
RG00443-04Request PreviewLWV 255Ptbd coach PlaxtonTownsend Thoresen
RG00444-01Request PreviewMOD 569PBristol VR ECWDevon General (NBC) [569]
RG00444-02Request PreviewLeyland Titan PD2A MasseyDevon General (NBC) [281]
F - Barton Hill (on maintenance)
RG00445-01Request PreviewTDV 215JLeyland Panther PSUR 1B/1R MarshallDevon General (NBC) [215]
RG00445-02Request PreviewTUO 78JAEC Reliance 6MU3R WillowbrookDevon General (NBC) [78]
364 - Dunchideock
RG00445-03Request PreviewTDV 211JLeyland Panther PSUR 1B/1R MarshallDevon General (NBC) [211]
378 - Broadclyst
RG00446-01Image RG00446-01AML 602HAEC Merlin M-C-WTownsend ThoresenDover
bit dark
RG00446-02Image RG00446-02SWW 146RLeyland Leopard Duple DominantWallace ArnoldDover
RG00446-03Image RG00446-03CRX-266 [Belg]Pegaso tbdRedan Cars [5031B]Dover
RG00447-01Request PreviewPKM 134Mtbd Coach Duple DominantNational (NBC)Dover
RG00447-02Request PreviewSP-B 2907Mercedes-Benz tbdKarlsberg BierDover
RG00447-03Request PreviewAFN 600Btbd coachEast Kent (NBC)Dover
007 - The Gateway Express
RG00448-01Request Previewvartbd busNK
View across bus station showing various unidentified single and double dekkers. Does anyone know where this is
RG00448-02Request PreviewMDF 114PLeyland Leopard PSU 3C Duple DominantNational Travel (SW) (NBC) [114]Cheltenham
777 - Paris
RG00448-03Request Preview4875 DFLeyland Leopard Plaxton Panorama[135]Cheltenham ?
646 - Shrewsbury
RG00449-01Image RG00449-01NFN 67MLeyland NationalEast Kent (NBC)
90 - Dover
RG00449-02Image RG00449-02HVB 281NBMC Mini Van light vanEast Kent (NBC)
RG00449-03Image RG00449-03JKE 101LLeyland Leopard Duple Dominant ExpressMaidstone & District (NBC) [4101]Maidstone
008 - Maidstone
RG00450-01Request Preview334 CFMBristol tbd[SSG 601]Aberistwith
94 - Bala
RG00450-03Request Preview278 STFAEC tbdLancashire United [89]Aberistwith
RG00451-01Image RG00451-01KNG 253Bristol K5G ECWEastern Counties [LKH 253]Cambridge
Route: 31 - Cherry Hinton Ch
RG00451-02Image RG00451-02DCK 208Leyland PD2/3 East LancsPremier Travel [140]Cambridge
Route: Xpres - PRIVATE
RG00451-03Image RG00451-035606 NGBristol Lodekka ECWEastern Counties [LFS 6]Cambridge
Route: 109 - Cambridge
RG00452-01Image RG00452-01DCK 214Leyland tbdPremier Travel [145]Cambridge
RG00452-02Image RG00452-02KNG 157Bristol tbd ECWEastern Counties [LKH 157]Cambridge
Rouite: 131 - Colville Rd
RG00452-03Image RG00452-03TVF 520Bristol tbd ECWEastern Counties [LC 520]Cambridge
150 - Service
RG00453-01Image RG00453-01MLH 324LDaimler Fleetline M-C-WLondon Transport [1324]
RG00453-02Image RG00453-02JJD 374DAEC-PR Routemaster Park RoyalLondon Transport [RML 2374]
15 - Ladbroke Grove
RG00453-03Image RG00453-03VLT 127AEC-PR Routemaster Park RoyalLondon Transport [RM 127]
23 -
RG00454-01Request PreviewJPA 175KAEC Reliance Park RoyalGreen Line [RP 75]
721 - Brentwood
RG00454-02Request PreviewMLH 298LDaimler FleetlineLondon Transport [DMS 1298]
'Starbus' 10A - Aldgate