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173,816 results found, displaying on 3477 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
RG00278Request PreviewWJO 944AEC tbdOxford [H 944]
not sharp
RG00279Request PreviewWJO 736AEC tbdOxford [736]
66 - Swindon (Not sharp)
RG00280Request PreviewWJO 184AEC tbdOxford [184]
6 - Cumnor Hill Foot (not sharp)
RG00281Request PreviewUWL 9**AEC tbdOxford [941]
2 - Cotteslow Estate (Cyclist in shot)
RG00282Image RG00282HKE 234Bristol K6A WeymannMaidstone & District [DH 133]Gabriels Hill, Maidstone Maidstone pre 1958
Maidstone & District HKE 234 passes Austin K2 JXM 590 in busy street. (Thanks to Keith E Jones for details and Roy Simmons for exact location and date info.)
RG00282-d1Image RG00282-d1HKE 234Bristol K6A WeymannMaidstone & District [DH 133]
7 - Gillingham (Thanks to Keith E Jones for details)
RG00282-d2Image RG00282-d2JXM 590Austin K2 vanMaynard
RG00283-01Request PreviewDMS 126AEC tbdNorthern [D.NA100]
11 - Dundee
RG00283-02Request PreviewBXA 430BAEC tbdFife [FAC 34]
326 Perth
RG00284-01Request PreviewDMS 126AEC tbdNorthern [D.NA100]
11 - Dundee
RG00284-02Request PreviewCWG 205Leyland tbdNorthern [D.NPA163]
7 - Dundee
RG00284-03Request PreviewCWG 204Leyland tbdNorthern [D.NPA162]
53 - Dundee
RG00285-01Image RG00285-01JBD 990Bristol LS6B ECWUnited Counties [472]
Route: 176 - Bedford
RG00285-02Image RG00285-02MAT 847FLeyland PantherEast Yorkshire [847]
Route: EX - London
RG00285-03Image RG00285-03LWT 825DBristol RELH ECWWest Yorkshire
Route: S - London
RG00286-01Image RG00286-01DNV 678CBristol Lodekka ECWUnited Counties [678]
183 -
RG00286-02Image RG00286-02RBD 316GBristol RE ECWUnited Counties [316]
179 - Bedford
RG00286-03Image RG00286-03AA 1417Peugeot tbd
VCC 1902 Peuceot
RG00287-01Image RG00287-018687 HNBristol tbdUnited [U 687]Carlisle Bus Station
22 - Crossgate. Thanks to Mr C Cox for identifying the location.
RG00287-02Image RG00287-02514 FHNBristol tbdUnitedCarlisle Bus Station
34 - Carlisle. Thanks to Mr C Cox for identifying the location.
RG00287-03Image RG00287-03KHN 730DBristol tbd ECWUnited [U 730]Carlisle Bus Station
34 - Newcastle. Thanks to Mr C Cox for identifying the location.
RG00288-01Image RG00288-01113 DRMBristol FS6G ECWCumberland [554]
30 - Frizington
RG00288-02Image RG00288-02120 DRMBristol MW6G ECWCumberland [228]
71 - Keswick
RG00289-01Image RG00289-01UHA 977HBMMO S23BMMO 'Midland Red' [5977]
W11 - Worcester City Centre (Marks on negative)
RG00289-02Image RG00289-02EHA 674DBMMO CM6TMidland Red (NBC) [5674]
RG00290-01Image RG00290-01DHA 961CBMMO CM6TBMMO 'Midland Red' [5661]
Nuneaton - Coventry - London Express (out of service)
RG00290-02Image RG00290-02EHA 667DBMMO CM6Midland Red (NBC) [5667]
Midland Red Motorway Express (Marks on negative)
RG00291-01Image RG00291-01AHN 460BBristol Lodekka ECWUnited [L 160]Haymarket Bus Station, Newcastle
14A - Seaton Sluice. Thanks to Mr C Cox for identifying the location.
RG00291-02Image RG00291-02937 JHNBristol tbd ECWUnited [U 537]Haymarket Bus Station, Newcastle
28 - Newcastle. Thanks to Mr C Cox for identifying the location.
RG00291-03Image RG00291-03NNB 293Leyland tbdNewcastle Transport [293]
80 - St. Nicholas
RG00292-01Image RG00292-01NBB 281Leyland Titan PD2Newcastle Transport [281]
63 - Pilgrim Street
RG00292-02Image RG00292-02NVK 311AEC Regent III Northern CountiesNewcastle Transport [311]
*1 - Haymarket
RG00292-03Image RG00292-03161 AVKAEC Regent V Park RoyalNewcastle Transport [161]
RG00293-01Request PreviewBHG 931Leyland tbdNorthern [NRA 48]
RG00293-02Request PreviewBHG 541 [?]Leyland tbdNorthern [NRB 76]
RG00293-03Request PreviewJXN 377Leyland Regent IIIA & C McLennan
RG00294-01Request PreviewRWG 383Bristol tbd ECWMidland [MRD 160]
34 - **tcairngreen
RG00294-02Request PreviewMMS 739Bristol tbd ECWMidland [MRD 87]
30 -
RG00294-03Request PreviewMMS 732Bristol tbdMidland [MRD 80]
033 - Moncreiffe
RG00295-01Request PreviewJWG 682AEC tbdNorthern [NAC 102]
10 - Forfar
RG00295-02Request PreviewBMS 207Leyland tbdNorthern [NPA 45]
58 - Forfar
RG00295-03Request PreviewBWG 326Leyland tbdNorthern [NPA 100]
RG00296-01Request PreviewBMS 415Daimler tbdBluebird [ND 20]
RG00296-02Request PreviewCWG 273Leyland tbdNorthern [NPA 171]
38 - *urris
RG00296-03Request PreviewCMS 300Leyland tbdNorthern [PS 226]
Cove Bay
RG00297-01Request PreviewFEW 1DLeyland tbdWhippetCambridge
St. Ives
RG00297-02Request PreviewFEW 1DLeyland tbdWhippetCambridge
St. Ives
RG00297-03Request PreviewAAH 615BBristol Lodekka ECWEastern Counties (no titles) [LFS 77]Cambridge
Service 103
RG00298-01Image RG00298-019459 AHBristol MW5G ECWEastern Counties (no titles) [LM 959]Cambridge
Route: 119 - (Bassingbourne & Royston)
RG00298-02Image RG00298-02479 BVFBristol MW5G ECWEastern Counties [LM 979]Cambridge
Route: 136 - Cambridge