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171,199 results found, displaying on 3424 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
PNc00149-05Request PreviewC68 BFXLeyland Royal Tiger DoyenHolmeswood HolidaysWoburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-06Request PreviewNEV 773VDAF MB200 Plaxton SupremeHarris BusWoburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-07Request PreviewNRP 583VLeyland National 2 NationalUnited Counties [583]Woburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-08Request PreviewVVV 961WBristol VRT ECWUnited Counties [961]Woburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-09Request PreviewNPD 124LLeyland NationalLondon Country North East [LN24]Woburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-10Request PreviewLPP 347VFord R1114 Duple DominantMotts TravelWoburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-11Request PreviewOKW 515RLeyland Fleetline MCWRed Rover [166]Woburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-12Request PreviewD24 WNHIveco 49.10 Robin Hood City NippyUnited Counties [24]Woburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-13Request PreviewTDC 202XFord R1114 Plaxton SupremeBee Line ToursBlackpool
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-14Request PreviewANA 367YLeyland Tiger Plaxton ParamountMayneBlackpool
Route: Blackpool. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-15Request PreviewA370 HNCLeyland Tiger Plaxton ParamountMayneBlackpool
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-16Image PNc00149-16KUW 525PAEC Reliance Plaxton SupremeRileys of Rotherham [42]Blackpool
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-17Request PreviewYHG 15VLeyland Leopard Alexander YBurnley & Pendle [15]Burnley Queensgate Depot
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-18Request PreviewURN 163RBristol VRT East LancsBurnley & Pendle [163]Burnley Queensgate Depot
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-19Request PreviewYHG 3NLeyland Leopard Duple DominantBurnley & Pendle [3]Burnley Queensgate Depot
Route: Private. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-20Request PreviewLHG 392HBristol RESL East LancsBurnley & Pendle [92]Burnley Queensgate Depot
Route: 60 - Reedley Hallows. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-21Image PNc00149-21461 XPBVolvo B10M Plaxton ViewmasterTappins
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-22Request PreviewJWL 322WVolvo B58 Plaxton SupremeWorths of Enstone
Route: Private. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-23Request Preview5212 ELBedford YMT CaetanoRegis
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-24Request PreviewNNW 113PLeyland Leopard Duple DominantChannel Coachways
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-01Request PreviewCRU 184CDaimler Fleetline WeymannGuide FridayStratford on Avon Bridge Foot
Route branded: The Stratford Tour. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-02Request PreviewWGV 864XLeyland Leopard Duple DominantBeestons of Hadleigh
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-03Image PNc00150-031230 HNBedford YMT Plaxton SupremeTappins
Originally YAN 815T. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-04Request PreviewB505 CGPVolvo B10M Plaxton ParamountEpsom Coaches
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-05Request PreviewADL 486BBedford SB3 Duple Bella VegaNo titles
Route: Excursion. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-06Request Preview545 XFMLeyland Leopard Duple DominantMaidstone & District [2545]Coventry Pool Meadow
Route branded: National Holidays - Day Break Tour. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-07Request PreviewNOE 570RLeyland NationalMidland Red South (NBC) [570]Coventry Pool Meadow
Route: 658 - Earl Shilton. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-08Request PreviewNHA 282MLeyland NationalMidland Red South (NBC) [282]Coventry Pool Meadow
Route: 512 - Coventry. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-09Request PreviewOSR 208RBristol VRT Alexander ALRed & White [XR953]Chepstow Depot
Route: Private. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-10Request PreviewBUH 237VBristol VRT ECWRed & White [LR712]Chepstow Depot
Route: X70 - Chepstow. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-11Image PNc00150-11OSR 207RBristol VRT Alexander ALRed & White [HR952]Chepstow Depot
Route: 64 - Chepstow AOA: National Travelworld. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-12Request PreviewKDW 360PLeyland NationalRed & White [ND414]Chepstow Depot
Route: 24. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-13Image PNc00150-13348 EDVBristol SUL ECWex Garforth Comprehensive SchoolNorth's yard, Sherburn in Elmet
Semi derelict with Garforth Comprehensive titles, KWU 383 alongside. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-14Request PreviewBJB 883JBristol RELH Plaxton PanoramaNo titlesNorth, Sherburn in Elmet
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-15Request PreviewWBR 247Atkinson Alpha MarshallNo titlesNorth, Sherburn in Elmet
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-16Image PNc00150-16BOF 859CAEC Reliance Harrington GrenadierNorth (Dealer)Sherburn in Elmet
Withdrawn from use.. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-17Image PNc00150-17PCW 959Leyland Tiger Cub East LancsBurnley Colne & Nelson [59]Lister, Bolton
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-18Image PNc00150-18DBN 311Leyland Titan PD1No titles (Preserved)Lister, Bolton
564 FTF and GTB 903 also in shot.. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-19Request PreviewDFV 146Leyland Titan PD2 BurlinghamNo titlesLister, Bolton
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-20Request PreviewGTB 903Leyland Titan PD1Lytham St Annes Corporation [19]Lister, Bolton
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-21Request PreviewURU 690SBristol VRT ECWWilts & Dorset [3383]Lymington Depot
Route: 122 - Lymington. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-22Request PreviewNEL 853MLeyland National NWilts & Dorset [3610]Lymington Depot
Route: 119 - Lymington. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-23Request PreviewXLJ 729KBristol RELL ECWWilts & Dorset [624]Lymington Depot
Route: 519 - School Special. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00150-24Request PreviewUCO 46LLeyland NationalEastern National [2200]Woburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00151-01Request PreviewXEL 606Ford R1114 Plaxton SupremeExcelsior of BournemouthLymington Belmore Lane Depot
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00151-02Request PreviewE315 OPRVolvo B10M Van Hool AlizeeExcelsior of BournemouthLymington Belmore Lane Depot
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00151-03Request Preview7327 ELUnknown Unknown Plaxton SupremeNew Forest Travel
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00151-04Request PreviewPUF 249MFord R1114 Duple DominantNew Forest Travel
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00151-05Request PreviewD866 TFJBedford YNT Plaxton ParamountHeards of HartlandPlymouth Bretonside Bus Station
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00151-06Request PreviewCPT 823SLeyland Leopard Plaxton SupremeGrenville ToursPlymouth Bretonside Bus Station
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image