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171,199 results found, displaying on 3424 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
PNc00147-02Request PreviewEPM 124VAEC Reliance Duple DominantSilver Service [94]Woburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-03Request PreviewBRP 425KBristol RESL ECWLuton & District [395]Woburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-04Request PreviewC104 UHOLeyland National 2 NationalStevensons [71]Woburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-05Request PreviewD641 NODFord Transit MellorDevon General [641]Newton Abbot Bus Station
Route: Newton Abbot. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-06Request PreviewE804 WDVFord Transit MellorDevon General [804]Newton Abbot Bus Station
Route: Newton Abbot. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-07Request PreviewD639 NODFord Transit MellorDevon General [639]Newton Abbot Bus Station
Route: 12 - Newton Abbot. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-08Request PreviewD788 NDVFord Transit MellorDevon General [788]Newton Abbot Bus Station
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-09Request PreviewPEC 817YMercedes-Benz 307D DevonBrowns of AmblesideAmbleside Market Place
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-10Request PreviewVAO 638YLeyland Leopard ECWCumberland (NBC) [638]
Route branded: National Express - 352 Nottingham. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-11Request PreviewTOI 1603MAN SR240Wright Bros
. Our thanks to Paul Statham for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-12Request PreviewLFR 857XLeyland National 2 NationalRibble [857]
Route: 518 - Grasmere. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-13Request PreviewNEH 731WBristol VRT ECWPMT (NBC) [731]
Route: 52 - Hanley AOA: Signal Radio. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-14Request PreviewNEH 453Leyland Titan OPD2 Northern CountiesPMT [453]
Route: 15 - Stoke Station. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-15Request PreviewMLK 445LDaimler Fleetline Park RoyalStevensons [36]
Route: Abbotts Bromley. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-16Request PreviewFHG 158ELeyland Titan PD2 East LancsStevensons [30]Spath Depot
Route: Private. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-17Request PreviewF720 PFPIveco 49.10 CarlyleLeicester Citybus [720]Leicester Abbey Park Road Depot
Route: A. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-18Request PreviewF717 PFPIveco 49.10 CarlyleLeicester Citybus [717]Leicester Abbey Park Road Depot
Route: 11A - Inner Link. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-19Request PreviewC493 FFJFord Transit Robin HoodDevon General [493]Paignton Bus Station
Route: Paignton. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-20Request PreviewC511 FFJFord Transit CarlyleDevon General [511]Paignton Bus Station
Route: 2 - Foxhole & Paignton. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-21Request PreviewFDF 344LLeyland Leopard Duple DominantMaghull Coaches
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-22Request PreviewUAM 207Volvo B10M Duple LaserSprings Tours
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-23Request PreviewF201 SHYDennis Javelin Duple 320No titles
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00147-24Request PreviewF27 HNCDAF SB2305 Duple 320Barry Cooper
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-01Request PreviewJAH 552DBristol FLF ECWCambus [60]Leicester Abbey Park
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-02Request PreviewJAH 553DBristol FLF ECWCambus [61]Leicester Abbey Park
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-03Request PreviewFVF 423CBristol FS ECWCambus [21]Leicester Abbey Park
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-04Request PreviewF603 VEWLeyland Tiger Duple 300Delaine [103]Leicester Abbey Park
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-05Request PreviewF710 NJFIveco 49.10 CarlyleLeicester Citybus [710]Leicester Abbey Park Road Depot
Route: Private. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-06Request PreviewB80 MJFDennis Dominator East LancsLeicester Citybus [80]Leicester Abbey Park Road Depot
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-07Request PreviewA378 UNHDAF MB200 JonckheereNo titles
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-08Request PreviewD362 VHHDuple 425Sellafield Sightseer II
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-09Request PreviewVLT 12MCW MetrobusLondon Buses [M1437]Leicester Abbey Park
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-10Request PreviewF605 MSLLeyland Olympian Alexander RLUnited Counties [205]Leicester Abbey Park
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-11Request PreviewF903 CMSMercedes-Benz 811D Alexander AMLondon Buses [MA101]Leicester Abbey Park
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-12Request PreviewD783 SGBVolvo B10M Plaxton ParamountYorkshire RiderLeicester St Margarets Bus Station
Route branded: National Express - 325 Gatwick Airport. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-13Request PreviewGSU 340Leyland Tiger Jonckheere Jubilee P50Yorkshire RiderLeicester St Margarets Bus Station
Route branded: National Express - 730 Leeds/Bradford. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-14Request PreviewWSV 417Leyland Leopard Plaxton ViewmasterGold Star CoachesLeicester St Margarets Bus Station
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-15Request PreviewC511 TJFFord Transit Alexander AMMidland Fox [M111]
Route: City Centre AOA: The Bag Stores. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-16Image PNc00148-16GHM 771NDaimler Fleetline MCWMidland Fox [2771]Leicester St Margarets Bus Station
Route: 43 - Wigston Magna. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-17Image PNc00148-17C74 XWKLeyland Tiger Plaxton ParamountMidland Red South (NBC) [74]Coventry Pool Meadow
Route branded: National Express - 860 Stratford upon Avon. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-18Request PreviewC590 NRMMercedes-Benz 608D PMTSims Motors of Eskdale
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-19Image PNc00148-19GJW 42NLeyland Leopard MarshallMidland Red (NBC) [342]
Route: 551 - Worcester. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-20Request PreviewOHE 262XVolvo B10M Duple DominantNo titles
Route: Private. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-21Request PreviewC610 KDSVolvo B10M Caetano AlgarveParks of Hamilton
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-22Request PreviewC913 XEOLeyland Tiger Duple LaserBarrow Borough Transport [80]
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00148-23Request PreviewB167 WRNLeyland Tiger Duple LaserRibble (NBC) [167]Windermere
Route branded: National Holidays. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-01Request PreviewUNP 784VVolvo B58 Plaxton SupremeMarshalls of Leighton BuzzardWoburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-02Request PreviewC414 LRPVolvo B10M Jonckheere Jubilee P50Marshalls of Leighton BuzzardWoburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-03Request PreviewB500 GBDScania K112 Jonckheere Jubilee P599Marshalls of Leighton BuzzardWoburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PNc00149-04Request PreviewC623 UPGLAG PanoramicMarshalls of Leighton BuzzardWoburn Showbus
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image