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173,816 results found, displaying on 3477 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#PreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarkssort icon
JLC00273-11Image JLC00273-11EYR 470TERF B srs curtainsideE & E TransportCity Road, Stoke-on-Trent 9/1993
"Suleyman the Magnificent"
GM00192-d1Request PreviewSun XIXPhilip & Son screw tugW H J Alexander & Co [Sun XIX]Gravesend c1960
"Sun XV" alongside
CZC00058-19Image CZC00058-19LDK 516PFoden tbd ride transporterL Gray & Sons (showman)Truckfest //5/88
"Super Dodgems"
SMC00001-25Image SMC00001-25LCA 183YVolvo B10M Duple DominantBostocks [44]1984
"Super Goldliner IV"
DHC00062-16Image DHC00062-16PO56 JDFScania N94UB East Lancs EsteemPreston Bus [203]Preston 26/6/07
"Super Route" branding. Route: 11 - Gamull Lane/Red Scar
CZC00126-03Image CZC00126-03VTB 713MFoden S80 mobile generator and ride transporterTheodore WhyattPeterborough Truckfest 5/1991
"Super Skid" ride. Our thanks to Steve Barton for cataloguing this image
JLC00231-09Image JLC00231-09W7 LTCVolvo FM12 bulk tipperLTC Distribution Services [90]
"Supercube tipper"
CZC00310-35Request PreviewS953 TEWLeyland-DAF FTG85CF.430 Bulk TankerTurners (Soham)Guyhirn Bridge 7 to 9/8/2000
"T104 Foodstuff Tanker". Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
DNC42901Image DNC42901GD17 FTPIVECO Stralis AS440S46TX/P bulk tipperJ H Haulage (Aggregate Supplies)Samphire Road (A20) 17/6/2024
"TCO2 CHAMPION". Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
CZC00334-06Request PreviewW286 RNNScania 124L 420 Topliner CurtainsiderTattons TransportGuyhirn Bridge 24/08/2001
"TDG Logistics Trailer". Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
CZC00332-14Request PreviewD390 NFUScania 142M V8 CurtainsiderNo TitlesGuyhirn Bridge 11/09/2001
"Terry Griffith Potatoes Trailer". Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
JLC00620-11Request PreviewJ216 EYAERF E12TX 325 fuel tankerWincanton Contracts-Texaco [X7083]Immingham 1/1993
"Texaco Fuel Tanker". Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
CZC00311-07Request PreviewP43 KYAERF EC12 bulk Fuel tankerNo TitlesGuyhirn Bridge 7 to 9/8/2000
"Texaco Tanker". Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
CZC00311-35Request PreviewW232 XCAERF EC11 bulk fuel tankerNo TitlesGuyhirn Bridge 7 to 9/8/2000
"Texaco tanker". Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
JLC00276-04Image JLC00276-04B710 ORFVolvo F10 flatB & W HauliersCity Road, Fenton 9/1993
"The Ashley Princess" "Romping Donkey". Hauling a Cast Group container.
CZC00183-07Image CZC00183-07K145 UNHScania 112M curtainsideG & J PingWisbech Rose Fair 7/1995
"The Auto Camping Club" float.. Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
JLC00276-18Image JLC00276-18K717 BFAFoden 4275 salt tankerBritish Salt [38]City Road, Fenton 9/1993
"The Cat"
RC00053-24Image RC00053-24Y482 GWSVolvo FL220 + pod LutonPickfords [M6707]05/2004
"The Chelmsford Chariot". Our thanks to Lewis Burrell for cataloguing this image
DNC06521Image DNC06521YY57 GXUDAF XF 105.460 FTG flatAllelys General Haulage [17]M40(W) 11/01/2017
"The Convict"
JM01010-08Image JM01010-08LNU 36Dennis Lancet III YeatesFelixWorcester 4/9/1965
"The Corbett Pavillion Sunningdale, Knightwick, Worcs" Courtesy coach. Taken in poor light
JM01010-09Image JM01010-09LNU 36Dennis Lancet IIIFielixWorcester 4/9/1965
"The Corbett Pavillion Sunningdale, Knightwick, Worcs" Courtesy coach. Taken in poor light.
JM12418Image JM1241845739LMS Jubilee Class 4-6-0British Railways [Ulster]Wadbrough 2/3/1954
"The Devonian"
JLC00448-24Image JLC00448-24C712 PKFScania 112M curtainsideAllinson FlourSouth Mimms 9/1991 9/1991
"The Doctor". Our thanks to Keith Hendy for cataloguing this image
JS01014-02Image JS01014-02WUT 124XDAF MB200 DKTL Plaxton ViewmasterKirby Coaches (TT)23/3/83
"The Dubliner"
JS01014-04Image JS01014-04WUT 124XDAF MB200 DKTL Plaxton ViewmasterKirby Coaches (TT)23/3/83
"The Dubliner"
JS01014-tRequest PreviewWUT 124XDAF MB200 DKTL Plaxton ViewmasterKirby Coaches (TT)23/3/83
"The Dubliner" 2 similar negatives
CZC00360-06Image CZC00360-06D300 SDMERF E16 tractor unitWelney Farms Ltd / WFL Transport [201]Cambridge 26/8/2001
"The Dusty Miller". Our thanks to Lewis Burrell for cataloguing this image
JSc00570-02Image JSc00570-02SLD 546WVolvo F1217 Tractor unitF E Willis & Son ["Frank"]Heathrow Commercials 22/7/81
"The European Emperor" JSc00570-1 similar
CZC00136-20Image CZC00136-20D23 ADFERF E14 recovery vehicleMcCormick RecoveryBanbury 27/6/1999
"The Fishers Pond Monster". Our thanks to Keith Hendy for cataloguing this image
CZC00363-20Image CZC00363-20M242 PGSScania 113M 320 stepframe boxBritish Army display / recuitment unitGuyhirn Bridge 8/2001
"The Flying Gunners". Our thanks to Lewis Burrell for cataloguing this image
MCc00003-24Image MCc00003-24K522 FVWFord Transit minibusThe Osborne PartnershipAscot Racecourse c2002
"The Green Team"
CZC00088-24Image CZC00088-24BSC 642AEC Matador recovery vehicleBilly Smart's Circus (Preserved) [49]
"The Guv'nor". Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
JM01010-14Image JM01010-14521 KEAAlbion Victor VT21L Duple (N) FireflyMerchantUpton on Seven 5/9/65
"The Kinbgs Head" (Flowers) pub in background
Hu02683Image Hu02683GBC 477Foden PVSC 6 PlaxtonTudor CoachesLudgate Circus 1951
"The King Lud" pub (Whitbreads) on left. Sticker in coach window reads "Leicester Girls Choir"
Hu02683-d1Image Hu02683-d1GBC 477Foden PVSC 6 PlaxtonTudor CoachesLudgate Circus 1951
"The King Lud" pub (Whitbreads) on left. Sticker in coach window reads "Leicester Girls Choir". Detain from original negative
CZC00334-17Request PreviewNo RegBedford TL1260 chassis cabNo Titles (Preserved)Bedford Gathering 26/09/2001
"The last Bedford sold by Marshall's of Cambridge". Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
GM00204-4Image GM00204-4The Ordinary FellowPalmerston Road, Chatham c1960
"The Ordinary Fellow" public house. Interior shot of bar. Child behind bar with dad(?), mum on stall. Double Diamond, Mackeson, Squires Gin, pump handles. Plaque onb wall "I like to think of my self as just an ordinary sort of fellow - H M King George
JLC00710-28Request PreviewD553 YNOMCW Metrobus 3 axle Metrobu Partially open topArriva London [EMB 783]Russell Sq/Acton 05/2004
"The Original Tour" livery. Our thanks to Lewis Burrell for cataloguing this image
CZC00310-23Request PreviewX137 EFLLeyland-DAF CF85.320 ATI CurtainsiderD & R HankinsGuyhirn Bridge 7 to 9/8/2000
"The Produce Connection Ltd Trailer". Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
DNC04978Image DNC04978EA63 UXLScania P400 oil tankerLinton Fuel OilsA27, Lyons Farm 3/03/2016
"The Special One"
JLC00013-3Image JLC00013-3D720 FUWFoden tbd power unit/tractorJ M Leisure (showman)
"The Wipeout"
RS02316Image RS02316DSN 491Leyland PSUC1/2 Tiger Cub AlexanderLawson's [PD22]
"Third Lanark F.C."
DNC04506Image DNC04506OP64 JTPScania R 410 Topline curtainsidePlastic Omnium Urban Systems Ltd / SuloA23, Hand Cross Hill 13/11/2015
"Tibbo" Wet conditions
CZC00328-23Request PreviewS69 JEWMAN 26.365 reeferChristian Salvesen LogisticsGuyhirn Bridge 9/2001
"Tinsley Distribution Reefer". Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
CZC00331-24Request PreviewBJ-HB-73[NL]DAF 95XF.430 reeferEBAG Charter Systems B V [Truck Verhuur]Guyhirn Bridge 04/09/2001
"TIP A E Capital Reefer". Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
JLC00551-01Request PreviewF949 GDMMercedes 16.27 boxWhite & Company PLCHeartshead Moor (M62) 10/1992
"TIR" plate visible on front grille under screen. Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
DRC00158Image DRC00158FX58 BWEDAF XF105.480 beavertailDenbyGannon Road, Worthing 01/09
PNc00321-26Request PreviewOJY 437Volvo B58-61 Duple Dominant II C53FGoldline Executive Coaches [Euro Cruiser]Cadbury World Carpark, Bournville West Midlands
"Touch Of Class" sign under window behind driver.. Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
PNc00321-25Request PreviewOJY 437Volvo B58-61 Duple Dominant II C53FGoldline Executive Coaches [Euro Cruiser]Cadbury World Carpark, Bournville West Midlands
"Touch Of Class" sign under window,behind driver.. Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
CZC00310-29Request PreviewR861 EOSScania 124L 400 CurtainsiderW S MerrillGuyhirn Bridge 7 to 9/8/2000
"Transamerica Leasing Trailer". Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image