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172,220 results found, displaying on 3445 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
VS00199Request Preview51 EN 30Land Rover Srs 11AArmyLydd Camp 1979
not sharp
VS00200Request Previewtbd 25 pdr HowitzerArmy
VS00201Request PreviewLand Rover armouredArmy
VS00202Request Preview22 FD 50CET Tracked engineering vehicleArmy
VS00203Image VS0020302 DY 61tbd 'bulldozer'Army
VS00204Image VS0020465 GJ 31tbd 4 wheel semi trailer heavy equipment transporter trailerArmy
VS00205Request Preview07 FG 30Bedford R communications vehicleArmy
in compound alongside MK with identical body
VS00206-01Request Preview(75 GJ 94)Land Rover F/C ambulanceArmy
VS00206-02Request Preview75 GJ 94Land Rover F/C ambulanceArmy
VS00207-ARequest Preview48 BM 90Leyland Martian (?) 6x6 towing Dyson 20ton low loader [12 BD 61]ArmyA20 Hothfield 8/83
carrying Allis Chalmers 645 medium tractor
VS00207-BRequest Preview12 BD 61Dyson 20 ton low loader trailerArmyA20 Hothfield 8/83
carrying Allis Chalmers 645 medium tractor
VS00208Request PreviewBedford TM Atlas craneArmyAldershot 1984
VS00209-01Request Preview(09 FD 53)tbd Fox armoured carArmyAshford, Kent 1982
VS00209-02Request Preview09 FD 53tbd Fox armoured carArmyAshford, Kent 1982
VS00210-01Request Preview840 YPCAEC 0854 6x6 Marshall Coles Mk VII CraneRAFSandwich, Kent 1969
ex RAF
VS00210-02Request Preview(840 YPC)AEC 0854 6x6 Marshall Coles Mk VII CraneRAFSandwich, Kent 1969
ex RAF
VS00210-BRequest Preview(840 YPC)AEC 0854 6x6 Marshall Coles Mk VII CraneRAFSandwich, Kent 1969
ex RAF
VS00211-01Request PreviewBedford RL dropside with tiltParachute RegimentAshford, Kent 6/82
tailboard down
VS00211-02Request PreviewvarBedford MK,TK,RLRoyal ArtilleryAshford, Kent 6/82
04 GF 33= MK. 04 GJ 19 = TK, 24ER18 = RL
VS00212Request Previewtbd 105mm recoilless gunRoyal ArtilleryAshford, Kent 6/82
VS00213Image VS00213Rubery Owen General Service TrailerArmyAshford, Kent 6/82
VS00214Request Previewvartbd AFVArmyBovington Camp 6/73
04 EA 62 , FV 432, APC. Unk FV 430 REME
VS00215Request PreviewKPR 173GGMC DUKW 353civilBovington Camp 6/73
VS00216Request PreviewBedford MK General service (long)ArmyLydd 5/91
VS00217Request Preview34 GB 41Bedford MK General service with tiltArmySt Martins Plain Camp 9/89
VS00218Image VS00218Bedford RL & MK mobile workshopsArmySt Martins Plain Camp 9/89
Also motorcycle 30 HG 03 in shot. Is this a MT500?
VS00219Image VS0021910 KVA generator unit on 1 ton trailer [2]tbd 1 ton trailer [2] 10 KVA generator unitArmySt Martins Plain Camp 9/89
VS00220Request PreviewBedford TM 'CALM'ArmySt Martins Plain Camp 9/89
cab tilted
VS00221Request PreviewLeyland Martian(?) 6x6 recovery vehicleArmySt Martins Plain Camp 9/89
VS00222Request Preview47 GT 62Bedford TM general serviceArmySt Martins Plain Camp 9/89
HGV 'L' plates
VS00223Request Preview49 GT 49Bedford TM general service with tiltArmySt Martins Plain Camp 9/89
HGV 'L' plates
VS00224Request Preview17 GB 16Foden 16 ton 8x4 General serviceArmyAldershot 7/83
VS00225Image VS0022550 EK 78Thornycroft Antar Mk 3 FV 3011ArmyBovington 1974
not sharp
VS00226Image VS0022653 FG 25Bedford RL mobile signals unitArmyChilam, Kent 1981
VS00227Request Preview092 652Diamont T 969 Dial Holmes wreckerRobbo's RecoveryOld Minnies Garage, Hawkinge, Kent
Ex French Nayv
VS00228Request Preview66 GT 73Scammell Crusader 6x4 recovery vehicleArmySouthsea 1995
VS00229Request PreviewLeyland Martian (?) 6x6 recovery vehicleex ArmyCamber, Sx 1978
not sharp
VS00230Request Preview75 GJ 94Land Rover 101 i ton 4x4 ambulanceArmyAshford, Kent 1995
VS00231Image VS0023111 GB 78Foden 16 ton 8x4 flat with std army containerArmyAshford, Kent 1990
VS00232Request Preview73 FL 13Land Rover 1 ton 4x4 with tiltArmyDover 6/92
VS00233Request Preview28 FL 03Bedford MK trackway vehicleREAldershot 6/83
VS00234Image VS00234Foden 16 Tonne 8x4 dropsideArmyAldershot 6/83
VS00235Request PreviewGPJ 121CAustin K4 Loadstar dropside with titl frameex ArmyNortham, Sx 1976
in scrap yard
VS00236Image VS0023603 FX 25Catapiller scraper/grader [6]ArmyAshford, Kent 6/90
VS00237Request PreviewvarBedford RL & MK mobile workshopArmySt Martins Plain Camp 9/89
VS00238Request Preview51 GT 27Bedford TM general serviceArmySt Martins Plain Camp 9/89
line up of 3 vehicles
VS00239Request PreviewLeyland Martian (?) 6x6 recovery vehicleArmySt Martins Plain Camp 9/89
VS00240Request PreviewBedford? tbd aircraft refulerShellRAF Changi 52/53
Refuling DH Comet G-ALYV shortly before this aircraft exploded in mid-air. ( Negative number is actually MIL 00077)
VS00241Image VS0024113AD42var tbd aircraft refulerRAFRAF Changi 1952/3
Refuling Hastings of FEAF Comms Sqdn. ( Negative number is actually MIL 00092)
VS00242Request PreviewKarrier Bantam mobile aircraft stepsPan AmHeathrow
Extended against Pan Am aircraft