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172,220 results found, displaying on 3445 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
RS02250Image RS02250XOO 878LBristol RELH6G PlaxtonEastern National [SD 448]
RS02251Image RS02251968 DHKtbd Lodekka ECWEastern National [1464]
Side view, ident not confirmed but 968 DHK and fleet no. 1464 written on envelope
RS02252Image RS02252XOO 878LBristol RELH6G PlaxtonEastern National [SD 448]
Side view, ident not confirmed but XOO 878L and fleet no. SD 448 written on envelope
RS02253Image RS02253PYP 65Dennis Lancet UF PlaxtonGlenton ToursMadeira Drive, Brighton 1956
Brighton Coach Rally Comp # 14. Can anybody provide details please?
RS02254Image RS02254FRU 307Bristol K6A Brush open topHants & Dorset [1110]
Route: 7 - Swanage
RS02255Image RS02255KRU 990Bristol LL6B ECWHants & Dorset [784]Winchester depot
Route: 66 - Winchester. Alongside double decker GLJ 960, Route 68B also to Winchester.
RS02256Image RS02256AEC Regal IV Metro Cammell busGreen Line [RF145]
Route: 712 - St Albans alongside LYF 405 (RF54) in London Country titles + Green Line blind for Route 714 - Luton
RS02257Image RS02257MLL 540AEC Regal IV Metro Cammell busLondon Country [RF153]
Route: Green Line 711 - High Wycombe. Slight speed blur
RS02258Image RS02258MLL 540AEC Regal IV Metro Cammell busLondon Country [RF153]
Route: 440 - Redhill. Speed blur
RS02259Image RS02259MLL 540AEC Regal IV Metro Cammell busLondon Country [RF153]
Route: 447
RS02260Image RS02260CUV 230CAEC-Park Royal Routemaster Park RoyalLondon Country [RCL 2230]Dorking Garage
Alongside RFs MLL 546 (RF 159) and MLL 813 (RF276)
RS02261Image RS02261MLL 768AEC Regal IV Metro-CammellLondon Country [RF321]Reigate Garage
RS02262Image RS02262NLE 516AEC Regal IV Metro-CammellGreen Line [RF 297]
Route: 407 - Windsor
RS02263Image RS02263NLE 516AEC Regal IV Metro-CammellGreen Line [RF 297]
Route: 407 - Windsor
RS02264Image RS02264NLE 516AEC Regal IV Metro-CammellGreen Line [RF 297]
Route: 407 - Windsor
RS02265Image RS02265MLL 971AEC Regal IV Metro-CammellLondon Transport [RF 334]High Street, Sutton
Route: 80 - Lower Kingswood
RS02267Image RS02267NLE 542AEC Regal IV Metro-CammellLondon Country [RF 542]Reigate Garage
RS02268Image RS02268NLE 542AEC Regal IV Metro-CammellLondon Country [RF 542]
Route: 430
RS02269Image RS02269NLE 542AEC Regal IV Metro-CammellLondon Country [RF 542]Reigate Garage
Route: 440 - Reigate Garage
RS02270Image RS02270NLE 543AEC Regal IV Metro-CammellLondon Country (NBC) [RF 543]Reigate Garage
RS02271Image RS02271NLE 623AEC Regal IV Metro-CammellLondon Country [RF 623]
Route: 440
RS02272Image RS02272NLE 624AEC Regal IV Metro-CammellLondon Country [RF 624]
Railway Service
RS02273Image RS02273BMS 316tbd tbdW Alexander & Sons [RA 5]
Can anyone help with details please? Poor negative
RS02274Image RS02274EMS 831tbd tbd Burlingham SeagullW Alexander & Sons - Bluebird
Route: Highland Tour. Can anybody help with the chassis ident please?
RS02275Image RS02275EMS 827tbd tbd Burlingham SeagullW Alexander & Sons - Bluebird [W244]
Route: Highland Tour. Can anybody help with the chassis ident please? GVO 44 (K44) alongside. Poor negative.
RS02276Image RS02276FMS 758AEC Reliance MU3RV Park RoyalW Alexander & Sons - Bluebird [AC 11]
RS02278Image RS02278WS 9755Leyland tbdW Alexander & SonsDundas Street
Badly scratched negative. Can anybody provide details please - and which Dundas Street?
RS02279Image RS02279WG 3250Leyland Lion LT5AW Alexander & Sons [P707]
Route: 116B - City Hall. Tired negative
RS02280Image RS02280WG 3497Leyland tbdW Alexander & Sons [R465]
Route: 97 - Raploch. Very grainy negative. Can anybody provide details for this vehicle please?
RS02281Image RS02281AWG 363Leyland tbdW Alexander & Sons [RA 25]
Can anybody provide details for this vehicle please?
RS02282Image RS02282WG 8266Leyland tbdW Alexander & Sons [R247]
Route: ? - Glasgow. Very grainy negative. Can anybody provide details for this vehicle please?
RS02283Image RS02283WG 1464Leyland tbdW Alexander & Sons
Route: 4B - Garage. Very grainy negative. Can anybody provide details for this vehicle please?
RS02284Image RS02284WG 3381Leyland tbdW Alexander & Sons [R47]Dundee Garage
Very grainy negative. Can anybody provide details for this vehicle please?
RS02285Image RS02285WG 3379Leyland tbdW Alexander & Sons [R45]Dundee Garage
Route: 11C - Dundee. Very grainy negative. Can anybody provide details for this vehicle please?
RS02286Image RS02286ARA 850Leyland tbdW Alexander & Sons [P553]
Route: Glasgow. Very poor negative. Can anybody provide details for this vehicle please?
RS02287Image RS02287JY 5011Leyland tbd
No titles
RS02288Image RS02288HSM 645Bristol K5G ECWWestern SMT [DB897]Garage
Route: Carlisle.
RS02289Image RS02289AAG 110Leyland Tiger AlexanderWestern SMT [DL 171]Garage
Thanks to Lawrence McCann for identifying the vehicle.
RS02291Image RS02291MS 8428Leyland TS1 Alexander(Operator ?)
Route: Kerriemuir. Thanks to Peter Greaves for identifying this one.
RS02292Image RS02292CWG 632Leyland (Model?)(Operator ?) [RB104]
Route: Dunfermline. Not sharp
RS02293Image RS02293CDR 35-Leyland (Model?)(Operator ?)
Looks like a utility body - possibly Dundee
RS02294Image RS02294ASF 407Leyland TS7 AlexanderSMT [H195]
Route: Glasgow via Lightburn
RS02295Image RS02295ASF 408Leyland TS7 AlexanderSMT [H196]
Route: Glasgow via Lightburn
RS02296Image RS02296BSC 521tbd tbd Burlingham SeagullSMT [B184]
Route: Glasgow - Queenslie
RS02297Image RS02297BSC 523AEC Regal I Alexander B34RSMT [B 186]
Route: Glasgow - poor exposure
RS02298Image RS02298GSF 717tbd tbd Burlingham SeagullSMTGlasgow?
RS02299Image RS02299ASF 380Leyland TS7 AlexanderSMT [H168]George St, Glasgow
Route: Clarkston. At junction George St and No Fredrick St. Good shot of bus queue.
RS02300Image RS02300WS 4502AEC Regal I AlexanderSMT [B154]Location ?
Route: 191 - Glasgow
RS02301Image RS02301ESC 439AEC Regal I DupleSMT [B245]
Route: 93 - Airdrie
RS02302Image RS02302GSC 247AEC Regal III BurlinghamSMT [B359]Location ?