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172,220 results found, displaying on 3445 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
RS01818-d2Request PreviewBOR 767AEC tbd Park RoyalProvincial (Preserved?)Weymouth Rally 6/72
RS01819Image RS01819UHY 383Bristol KSW6G ECWBristol (Preserved)Brighton Rally 5/73
Photo taken from high vantage point in the rain also shows Guy GS (posibly MXX 353 scrapped 10/1970) and Royal Blue Bristol LS6G OTT 98.
RS01820Image RS01820GEU 37NLeyland NationalBristol (NBC) [BH 559 (?)]Stanley Rd. Bath 8/75
Route 217 - University
RS01821Image RS01821NHU 193FBristol RE ECWBristol (NBC) [59]City Centre, Bath 6/74
Route 212 - Whiteway
RS01822Request PreviewUHY 383Bristol tbd ECWBristol (Preserved)Weymouth Rally 6/72
RS01823Request PreviewCFH 604Bristol tbd ECWBristol (Preserved)Whitehawk Rd. Brighton 5/75
RS01824Request PreviewTHW 740Bristol tbd ECWVogue Motor FactorsWeymouth Rally 7/76
RS01825Request PreviewCFH 604Bristol tbd ECWBristol (Preserved)Whitehawk Rd. Brighton 5/75
RS01826Request PreviewvarBristol tbdBristol OmnibusCoach Stn. 5/69
355 MHU, BHU 84C, 353 MHU, 983 EHY and NHW 303F
RS01827Request PreviewvarBristol tbdBristol OmnibusCoach Stn. 5/69
983 EHY, NHW 303F, HAE 272D, 928 RAE and CNT 537C
RS01828Request PreviewXUO 719Bristol tbd ECWRoyal BlueFareham Coach Stn. 4/62
Route - Coventry
RS01829Image RS01829varBristol tbd ECWRoyal BlueHyde Park Rd. Portsmouth 7/70
XUO 715, 393 TUO and XUO 737
RS01829-d1Image RS01829-d1XUO 715Bristol MW6G ECWRoyal Blue [2232]Hyde Park Rd. Portsmouth 7/70
Detail from original negative
RS01829-d2Image RS01829-d2399 TUOBristol RELH6G ECWRoyal Blue [2355]Hyde Park Rd. Portsmouth 7/70
Detail from original negative
RS01829-d3Image RS01829-d3XUO 737Bristol MW6G ECWRoyal Blue [2227]Hyde Park Rd. Portsmouth 7/70
Detail from original negative
RS01830Request PreviewXUO 719Bristol tbd ECWRoyal Blue [2236]Bristol Coach Stn. 5/69
Route - Cheltenham
RS01831Request PreviewCFH 604Bristol tbd ECWPreservedBrighton 5/74
RS01832Image RS01832varBristol tbd ECWBristolKensington Garage, Bath 6/73
518 JHU, 511 JHU, 990 EHY, 531 JHU and 880 RAE
RS01833-d1Request PreviewGHT 127Bristol tbd ECW open topBristol (NBC) [WN8583]
in garage
RS01833-d2Request PreviewHOR 592Etbd tbd open topBristol (NBC)
in garage
RS01834Request PreviewKHY 383Bristol tbd ECWBristol (Preserved)Weymouth Rally 7/75
Route 428 - Minchinhampton
RS01835Image RS01835varBristol tbdBristolKensington Garage, Bath 6/73
880 RAE, 991 EHY and 939 RAE
RS01836Request PreviewMBO 506FAEC Swift AlexanderCity of Cardiff Transport [506]garage 5/69
RS01837Request PreviewATA 104BBristol tbd ECWRoyal BlueBarrack Rd. Bournemouth 3/69
Route - London
RS01838Request Preview840 SUOBristol tbd ECWRoyal Blue [2354]Fareham 9/64
Route - Bournemouth (marks on neg)
RS01839Image RS01839993 EHWBristol tbd ECWBristolBox 5/69
Route 465 - Chipenham
RS01840Image RS01840XNY 416Guy tbd Longwell GreenPontyprid (Preserved)Brighton 5/74
RS01841Image RS01841HTH 518NBristol LHS6L DupleJones Coaches
RS01842Image RS01842Caerphilly UDC badgeCaerphilly UDC
Transfer on wood
RS01843Image RS01843KPR 360GBedford WTB Duple Vista 25Jones Coaches [7]1972
RS01844Image RS01844AUO 521BBristol FLF6G Lodekka ECWWestern National (NBC) [2074]1973
Route 547 - Newquay
RS01845Request PreviewEMW 286Bristol tbd ECWSay'sGloucester 1969
RS01846-d1Request PreviewSCD 30NFord R1114 Duple DominantHants & Dorset (NBC) [1005]Grosvenor Sq. Southampton 6/80
RS01846-d2Request PreviewPUF 267MFord R1114 Duple DominantHants & Dorset (NBC)Grosvenor Sq. Southampton 6/80
RS01847Image RS01847LRU 65Bristol KSW6G ECWHants & Dorset [1336]West St. Fareham 7/71
Route 212 - Plessey. Photo taken into sun.
RS01848Request PreviewLMR 739FBedford tbd Willowbrook (?)Wilts & Dorset [819]Amesbury Garage 6/71
Route 2 - Amesbury
RS01849Request PreviewXEL 551Bristol tbdHants & Dorset [1801]Woolston 4/73
Route 78
RS01850Request PreviewYEL 228Bristol tbd ECWHants & Dorset [869]1968
Relief - London
RS01851Request Preview804 MHWBristol tbd ECWBristol (NBC) [BH 6039]Twerton 8/76
Route 212a - Centre
RS01852-d1Image RS01852-d1437 FHWBristol tbd ECWBristolChippenham Bus Stn 5/69
Route 465 - Bath
RS01852-d2Image RS01852-d2VDV 753Bristol tbd ECWWestern National [1936]Chippenham Bus Stn 5/69
Route 234 - Trowbridge
RS01853Image RS01853804 MHWBristol tbd ECWBristol (NBC) [BH 6039]Lymore Ave West, Bath 8/76
Route 212 - Whiteway
RS01854-d1Request Preview989 EHYBristol tbd ECWBristol (NBC)Chippenham Bus Stn 10/71
Route 295 - Chippenham
RS01854-d2Request Preview515 JUHBristol tbd ECWBristol (NBC)Chippenham Bus Stn 10/71
Route 295 - Malmesbury
RS01855Image RS01855LHT 172 [L]Bristol tbd ECWBristol (NBC) [BH 1318]Bath Bus Stn 8/76
Route 184 - Frome
RS01856Image RS01856UHY 380Bristol tbd ECWBristol5/69
Route: 219 - Newbridge Road. UHY 406 anongside
RS01857Image RS01857THU 354GBristol tbd ECWBristol (NBC) [BH 508]Churchill Bridge, Bath 3/76
Route 209 - Southdown
RS01858Request PreviewGLJ 980Bristol tbd ECWHants & Dorset (Preserved) [1137]Barton Park 2/86
RS01859Image RS01859GLJ 974Bristol K5G ECWHants & Dorset [1131]Fareham Bus Stn. 4/64
Route: 70 - Gosport
RS01860Request PreviewBristol tbd ECWHants & Dorset (NBC) [1468]9/71
Close up shot showing two fleet numbers, 1468 (painted) and 1404 on plate.