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172,220 results found, displaying on 3445 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
RS01591Image RS01591CRN 821DLeyland Leopard MarshallUlsterbus [1143]
RS01592Request PreviewLYR 709AEC tbdCadbury's
advertising vehicle ()
RS01593Image RS01593HGM 822NBedford tbd Duple DominantReliance of Newbury [147]
RS01594Request PreviewNPA 221Wtbd tbd Plaxton Supreme IV ExpressGreen Line (NBC) [PL 21]
RS01595Request PreviewGHN 403tbd tbdBradford
37 - City
RS01596Request PreviewWGY 595SLeyland NationalBritish Airways [HeathrowBU 050]Heathrow
RS01597Request PreviewLPF 599PLeyland NationalAlder Valley (NBC) [241]M4
X21 - Reading
RS01598Request PreviewUU 6646AEC tbdGeneral [T 31]rally
RS01599Image RS01599GYE 441WMCW MetrobusLondon Transport [M 441]M4
Route: A2 - Heathrow / Paddington Station (Airbus service)
RS01600Request PreviewTBY 111RLeyland NationalBritish Airways [BU122/C122]Heathrow
Airside vehicle with doors both sides
RS01601Request PreviewGML 848JLeyland AtlanteanBritish Airways [C111]M4
en route Victoria
RS01602Request PreviewMLL 713AEC RelianceBritish European AirwaysHeathrow
London - Paris 'Silver Wing' service. Carries BEA crest ruled as non-compliant by Institute of Herealdry (?) and subsequently changed with the deletion of 'BEA'
RS01603Request PreviewMLL 721AEC RelianceBritish European Airways
Air France - Ostend service. Carries BEA crest ruled as non-compliant by Institute of Herealdry (?) and subsequently changed with the deletion of 'BEA'
RS01604-1Request PreviewYGA 715SBedford tbd Duple DominantBritish airways [C 039]
'Super Shuttle'
RS01604-2Request PreviewVOY 180Xtbd tbd Plaxton View Master ExpressBritish airways [CC 313]
RS01605Request PreviewCUL 112VLeyland Titan Park RoyalLondon Transport [TE 112]Rally
Express 177 - not in service 'Londonbuses'
RS01606Request PreviewRTT 995Bristol tbdAir Anglia
marks on neg
RS01607-1Image RS01607-1RV 3411Leyland Titan tower vehiclePortsmouth [TW 1]Southsea rally
RS01607-2Image RS01607-2BK 2986Thornycroft tbdPortsmouth [1]Southsea rally
RS01608Request PreviewMOD 963tbd tbd
Inter terminal transfer bus. Destination board reads 'USAF School West Ruislip'
RS01609Request PreviewWSF 201AEC Reliance Burlingham Seagull 70Scottish Omnibuses
The Transatlantic Express (THICK NEG)
RS01610Request PreviewB358 LOYLeyland National airside busBritish Airways [BU 394]Heathrow
RS01611Request PreviewCWL 848JLeyland AtlanteanBritish airwaysM4
en route Victoria
RS01612Request PreviewDKY 713tbd tbdBradford [713]Bradford
7 - Thornbury
RS01613Request PreviewRAR 270DBedford VAL airside busHeathrow
alongside PanAm Boeing 707
RS01614Request PreviewFXR 725L [?]tbd tbd Plaxton ParoramaAer LingusHeathrow
slight speed blur
RS01615Request PreviewOYF 266FBedford VALWhyte's Airport Services [71]Heathrow
RS01616Request PreviewCXX 171AEC tbdLondon Transport (Green Line)Rally
RS01617Request PreviewVOY 183XLeyland Tiger PlaxtonBritish airways [C316/CC316]
RS01618Request PreviewOGO 340EBedford VAL airside busBritish European Airways [C 563]Heathrow
RS01619Request PreviewGYE 433WMCW MetrobusLondon Transport [M433]Heathrow
RS01620Request PreviewRLN 232WLeyland-DAB articulated airside busBritish airways [C 305]Heathrow
RS01621Image RS01621JTH 775PLeyland NationalAfanway (NBC) [775]
1 - Parc Gwernfadog AOA Travelwise travel agents
RS01622Request PreviewVLW 296GAEC Merlin MCWLondon Country (NBC) [MBS 296]
314A - Bennetts Gate
RS01623Request PreviewFJJ 774Leyland TigerLondon Transport (Preserved) [TF 77]rally
RS01624Request PreviewWGY 583SLeyland National airside busBritish airwaysHeathrow
RS01625Image RS01625VYH 47GLeyland Atlantean RoeHalls of Hounslow (TWA)Heathrow
Trans World Airlines contract
RS01626Image RS01626LYF 314DLeyland AtlanteanBOAC
RS01627Image RS01627Morris J2 (?) minibusBOACHeathrow
not sharp, alongside Boeing 707 of BOAC with set of boarding steps.
RS01627-d1Image RS01627-d1Morris J2 (?) minibusBOACHeathrow
not sharp, alongside Boeing 707 of BOAC. Detail from original negative.
RS01628Image RS01628JLA 56DAEC Merlin StrachanSilverline Airport ServicesHeathrow
RS01628-d1Request PreviewUGO 719MBedford tbd Duple DominantTricentrolHeathrow
front of vehicle only
RS01629Image RS01629NLP 391VLeyland National 2British airways [BU 279]Heathrow
RS01630Image RS01630OGO 337EBedford VAL Marshal airside busWhyte's Airport Services [74]Heathrow
RS01631Image RS01631NLE 660AEC Regal IV Metro-CammellSilverlineHeathrow
Inter terminal free bus service
RS01632Image RS01632LYF 338DBedford J2 Duple minibusBOACHeathrow
RS01633Image RS01633NLE 698AEC Regal IV Metro-CammellLondon Country (NBC) [RF 647]Windsor
Towing vehicle
RS01633-d1Request PreviewCBL 488JRenault DauphineWindsor
RS01634Image RS01634WXC 339Bedford tbd Harrington
RS01635Image RS01635MAP 342WLeyland Leopard Plaxton Supreme ExpressSouthdown/Green Line (NBC) [1342]
Flightline 777 service