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159,160 results found, displaying on 3184 pages (click any column heading to sort).
Click on a Cat# link or Preview image to view image details and to order copies.
Click on a Request Preview link to do just that.

Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
VS00819Request PreviewKXU 645AEC Mammoth Major coke lorry (?)S M Tidy
VS00820Request PreviewKLA 373AEC Mammoth Major coke lorry (?)S M Tidy
VS00821Image VS00821NLL 700AEC Mammoth Major flatWhitbread
VS00822Image VS00822516 FLMAEC Mammoth Major milk tankerExpress Dairy [2936]
VS00823Request Preview132 CYHAEC Mammoth Major milk tankerExpress Dairy [2641]
VS00824Request PreviewUYP 919AEC Mammoth Major tankerShell-Mex & B PLDY(?)
VS00825Image VS00825443 YMEAEC Mammoth Major insulated boxWalls Ice CreamLDY(?)
VS00826Request PreviewVXN 522AEC Mammoth Major milk tankerExpress Dairy [2072]
VS00827Image VS008277108 MXAEC Mammoth Major tankerGuinness [233]LDY
VS00828Request PreviewBYY 672AEC Mammoth Major tankerMonkton Motors [25]
VS00829Image VS00829XDG 125AEC Mammoth Major flatEdwards Transport
with load of large 'I' girders
VS00830Request Preview129 BXAAEC Mammoth Major milk tankerExpress Dairy [2459]LDY
VS00831Image VS00831PWW 167AEC Mammoth Major tanker
No titles
VS00832Request PreviewNMT 744EAEC Mammoth Major tankerShell-Mex & BP [19273]AEC Works
Rear end of second vehicle behind.
VS00833Request PreviewHYN 740 [?]AEC Mammoth Major flatBritish Road Services (BRS)
very blured
VS00834Request Preview970 KMDAEC Mammoth Major bulk tipperLion Wharf
tail end out of shot
VS00835Image VS00835VKP 924AEC Marshall flatImperial Paper Mills [24]
with load of news print outside Evening Standard works
VS00836Request Preview212 DOAAEC Mammoth Major dropsideAccles & Pollock (TI)
VS00837-aRequest PreviewXGA 194AEC Mammoth Major mobile drilling rigWhatlings
same as VS00837b (duplicate entry - diff Main Type)
VS00837-bRequest PreviewXGA 194AEC Mammoth MajorWhatlings
same as VS00837a (duplicate entry - diff Main Type)
VS00838Image VS00838LWY 578AEC Mammoth Major recovery vehicleCommercial Vehicle Repairs
also displaying trade plate 537 TW
VS00839Image VS00839LWY 578AEC Mammoth Major recovery vehicleCommercial Vehicle Repairs
also displaying trade plate 537 TW (More side on view than VS00838)
VS00840Image VS00840PYU 4AEC Reliance MU3RV425 pantechniconTartan Arrow
Front right corner just out of shot. Originally Bellhouse Hartwell C30C bodied coach hired to Northern Roadways but rebodied as a pantechnicon after accident. Thanks to John Kaye for this information
VS00841Request Preview307 HAEC tbd draypreservedBrighton
VS00842Image VS00842AEC Mercury noneHarold Wood & Sons
Radiator and cab front dammaged
VS00843Image VS00843918 H [Tr]AEC Mercury dropsideAEC Works Transport
VS00844Request PreviewKGN 366AEC Mercury tankerMonkton Motors [113]
VS00845Image VS00845AEW 307AEC Mercury tipperLondon Brick Company [B 45]
VS00846Image VS00846705 GH [Tr]AEC tbd recovery vehicleNormand
towing Austin/Morris van of J Lyons & Co (Cat # VS 00864d1)
VS00846-d1Image VS00846-d1?XH 701Austin tbd vanJ Lyons & Co
Lyons Frood. Being towed by recovery vehicle of Normand Ltd.
VS00846-vImage VS00846-v"Coach & Horses" (Pub)
View of the Coach & Horses (Young & Co) pub. Exact location to be confirmed but probably west London.
VS00847Image VS00847TXV 910AEC Mercury 7 ton tower waggonLondon Transport [1077 Q]
VS00848Request Preview338 EYKAEC Mercury York iunsulated boxPremier Supermarkets [2934]
VS00849Image VS008493213 MTAEC Mercury boxHooverLDY (?)
VS00850Request Preview643 BGJAEC Mercury boxRenault
VS00851Image VS00851MRS 343AEC Mercury flatMunro's Transport [87]
VS00852Request Preview622 AULAEC Mercury flat
No titles
VS00853Image VS00853100 UMDAEC tbd stepframe flatHope Transport
VS00854Image VS00854581 PA [Tr]AEC tbd recovery vehiclePratts of Sutton
VS00855Image VS00855522 MX [Tr]AEC tbd recovery vehicleExpress Dairy [2551]
VS00856Image VS00856762 VW [Tr]AEC tbd recovery vehicleF G Smith Motors
VS00857Image VS0085723 AD 61AEC tbd aircraft refulerRAF
VS00858Image VS00858AEC Marshall aircraft refulerSouthend Airport (Shell BP)
VS00859Image VS0085902* GF [Tr]Leyland tbd breakdown tender?London Transport
VS00860Image VS00860GGB 366Leyland Comet flatBritish Road Services (BRS) [3B76]
VS00861Request PreviewDJJ 473CLeyland Super Comet dropsideHay-Lambert [4]
VS00862Request PreviewEB 9734tbd tbd fire enginepreservedrally
VS00863Image VS008632712 DDLeyland Super Comet flatR & W Febry & Sons [186]
VS00864Image VS00864TUU 899Leyland Comet flatBritish Road Services (BRS) [2A353]
VS00865Request Preview806 FMYLeyland Comet box
No titles