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170,489 results found, displaying on 3410 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
BC00007-24Request PreviewVNO 859Bristol KSW ECWEastern National (Preserved) [1407]
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
BC00007-28Image BC00007-28580 EYUFord Thames Trader boxLondon Transport [1282F]Location ? 1976
Communications Vehicle - Rolling stock engineer (Railways)
BC00008-01Image BC00008-01MLY 152PFord Transcontiental tractor unitM I HantW.London 1976
BC00008-02Image BC00008-02VGC 288MLand Rover tbdStamford Brook, London 1976
BC00008-03Image BC00008-03VGC 288MLand Rover tbdStamford Brook, London 1976
BC00008-04Image BC00008-04JPE 714FFord Escort vanPerishables Transport CoStamford Brook, London 1976
BC00008-05Request PreviewXUC 531HVauxhall Viva HB
. Our thanks to Matt Holmes for cataloguing this image
BC00008-06Image BC00008-06WGK 941GFord Escort vanPerishables Transport CoStamford Brook, London 1976
BC00008-07Image BC00008-07HKX 106KDAF 2200 tractor unitW.London 1976
No titles
BC00008-08Request PreviewBuilding Sitebuilding siteNo Titles [Tipper trucks on site]
Test data. Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
BC00008-09Request PreviewCA 8534Foster not known not known Traction engineKew Bridge Engines
. Our thanks to Lewis Burrell for cataloguing this image
BC00008-10Request PreviewJOM 59Austin 16 saloonno title
Late model, 1949. Our thanks to Lewis Burrell for cataloguing this image
BC00008-11Request PreviewNot discernableFoden 5 ton steamer High sidedno titles
Post 1901, pre 1924. Our thanks to Lewis Burrell for cataloguing this image
BC00008-12Request Previewnot discernableWallis & Steevens not known not known Traction engine/ road locomotiveno titles [Eileen]
. Our thanks to Lewis Burrell for cataloguing this image
BC00008-13Image BC00008-13MKC 689HBedford TK lutonH & G TransportW.London 1976
No titles. Our thanks to her driver, John Nicholls, for identifying the owner.
BC00008-14Image BC00008-14MYY 729LDodge 500 srs mobile x-ray unitPortable X-RaysW.London 1976
BC00008-15Image BC00008-15GRO 454GBMC FGK luton furniture vanTrafalgar Removals & StorageW.London 1976
BC00008-16Image BC00008-16FPL 709JFord Transit tiltLucan Transport Ltd (LTC)Laleham Depot 1976
BC00008-17Image BC00008-17BPJ 819JBedford TK boxLucan Transport Ltd (LTC)Laleham Depot 1976
BC00008-18Image BC00008-18LGC 580KLeyland Terrier G Cab lutonWorld Transport AgencyLaleham Depot 1976
BC00008-19Image BC00008-19GYL 601JFord Escort vanPerishables Transport CoLaleham Depot 1976
BC00008-20Image BC00008-2038588 [M]Panhard Dyna utility/tiltMalta c1976
Thanks to Stephen Mintern for identifying this vehicle.
BC00008-22Image BC00008-22UTV 271HFord D srs vanLucan Transport Ltd (LTC)Laleham Depot 1976
BC00008-23Image BC00008-23GJJ 434JBedford TK boxLucan Transport Ltd (LTC)Laleham Depot 1976
BC00008-24Image BC00008-245198 [M]Dodge tbd kerosine tankerMalta 1976
BC00008-25Image BC00008-2558705 [M]Austin K9 lutonMedway Marine Ltd (Malta)Malta 1976
Former army radio van
BC00008-26Image BC00008-262456 [M]Dodge tbdMalta busMalta 1976
Route 62
BC00008-27Image BC00008-273349 [M]Dodge tbdMalta busMalta 1976
Route: 62
BC00008-28Image BC00008-282837 [M]Bedford OMalta busMalta 1976
Route: 44
BC00008-29Image BC00008-293313 [M]Bedford QL MifsudMalta busMalta 1976
BC00008-30Image BC00008-305291 [M]Dodge tbd CashaMalta busMalta 1976
BC00008-31Image BC00008-311872 [M]Ford ET6/7Malta busMalta c1976
Route: 34
BC00009-01Image BC00009-0123251 [M]Austin 10 "Tilly" utilityMalta c1976
BC00009-02Image BC00009-028492 [M]Fordson Thames E83W vanMalta c1976
BC00009-03Image BC00009-0317896 [M]Bedford O tiltMalta c1976
No titles
BC00009-04Image BC00009-043315 [M]Commer early Superpoise busMalta busMalta c1976
BC00009-05Image BC00009-052829 [?]Albion Chieftain (?) AquilenaMalta busMalta c1976
Our thanks to David Powell for identifying this bus.
BC00009-06Image BC00009-063548 [M]tbd tbdMalta busMalta c1976
Route: 44 Can anybody identify the chassis and body please?
BC00009-07Image BC00009-072687Dodge tbd ZammitMalta busMalta c1976
Route: 60
BC00009-08Image BC00009-082299 [M]Ford Thames ET6/7 busMalta bus (green)Malta 1976
Route: 26
BC00009-09Image BC00009-09360 [M]Bedford ? tbdMalta bus (green)Malta 1976
Bedford radiator badge but is it?
BC00009-10Image BC00009-103570 [M]Bedford OW dropsideMalta 1976
No titles
BC00009-11Image BC00009-113548 [M]Federal tbdMalta bus (green)Malta 1976
Route: 44 Can anybody identify the body please?
BC00009-12Image BC00009-122554 [M]See remarks CiantarMalta bus (green)Malta 1976
David Powell tells us that this had a chassis that was built from spares by the Malta Drydocks Co. and Ciantar bodywork. Thanks David.
BC00009-13Image BC00009-131641 [M]Bedford OMalta bus (green)Malta 1976
Route: 40
BC00009-14Image BC00009-142281 [M]"Dodge" tbdMalta bus (green)Malta 1976
Route: 88 It says "Dodge" but is it?
BC00009-15Image BC00009-152750 [M]Austin tbdMalta bus (green)Malta 1976
Route 80:
BC00009-16Image BC00009-168223 [M]Austin A40 Devon vanMalta 1976
BC00009-17Image BC00009-1716385 [M]Austin 10 Utility Truck tiltMalta 1976
BC00009-18Image BC00009-182832 [M]Dodge tbdMalta bus (green)Malta 1976
Route: 2