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6,107 results found, displaying on 123 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#Previewsort iconIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
ITC00421-09Request Preview47492Brush Class 47British Rail ScotRail [47492]Penzance 5/1993
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00438-03Request Preview86206English Electric Class 86British Rail InterCity [86206 City of Stoke on Trent]Edinburgh Waverley 5/1996
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
SMC00203-03Request Preview37074English Electric 37074Mainline [37074]Wigan CRDC
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
DNC24122Request Preview377452Bombardier Class 377 ElectrostarSouthern [377452]Worthing Lyndhurst Road 21/12/2017
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
LP00060-20Request PreviewCP 285Henschel 2'CCaminhos de Ferro Portugueses [CP 285]Tua, Northern Portugal 5/1971
. Our thanks to Peter Free for cataloguing this image
ITC00484-11Request Preview47790Brush Class 47Rail Express Systems [47790 Saint David Dewi Sant]Carlisle 09/05/2001
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
TC00004-03Request Preview47007Class 47 Class 47British Rail Railfreight [47007 Stratford]
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
LP00077-26Request PreviewSignal Boxsignal boxDeutsche BahnBavaria 9/1971
. Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
ITC00497-23Request PreviewD6700English Electric Class 37British Railways (Preserved) [D6700 National Railway Museum]Crewe 31/05/2003
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
VS03906Request Preview47160Brush Class 47British Rail [47160]London Liverpool Street
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00406-10Request Preview56038Class 56 Class 56British Rail Railfreight [56038 Western Mail]Westbury 18/5/1990
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
RK01683Request Preview76012British Railways Class 76British Rail [76012]Dinting
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
CSc01645Request Preview47355Brush Class 47British Rail Railfreight Distribution Sector [47355]Kensington Olympia
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00457-11Request Preview37894English Electric Class 37British Rail Railfreight Coal Sector [37894]Newport 8/7/1998
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00422-21Request Preview86216English Electric Class 86British Rail InterCity [86216 Meteor]Crewe 13/7/1993
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
CSc02457Request Preview58050BREL Class 58EWS [58050 Toton Traction Depot]Old Oak Common
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00471-14Request PreviewD1524Brush Class 47British Railways (Preserved) [D1524]Old Oak Common 6/8/2000
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
CSc00254Request Preview303087Pressed Steel Class 303ScotRail [303087]Glasgow Central
Route: Gourock. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
TC00007-09Request Preview47003Class 47 Class 47British Rail [47003]Doncaster
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
PLc00054-04Request PreviewGroombridge StationGroombridge Station
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00408-04Request Preview37222Class 37 Class 37British Rail [37222]Warrington Bank Quay 20/7/1990
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
RK01858Request Preview158903BREL Class 158 Express SprinterBritish Rail Regional Railways [158903]
Metro Train livery. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00460-11Request Preview31452Brush Class 31Fragonset [31452]Toton
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00427-09Request Preview47530Brush Class 47Rail Express Systems [47530]Carlisle 3/5/1994
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
CSc02588Request Preview47674Brush Class 47British Rail [47674 Womens Royal Voluntary Service]
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
LLC00018-10Request Preview34027Bulleid West CountryBritish Railways (Preserved) [34027 Taw Valley]Hastings 6/1992
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00473-32Request Preview60012Brush Class 60EWS [60012]Crewe 20/5/2000
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00441-18Request Preview37426English Electric Class 37British Rail InterCity [37426 Mount Vesuvius]Crewe 18/10/1996
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
SMC00207-20Request PreviewD345English Electric Class 40British Railways (Preserved) [D345]East Lancashire Railway
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
LP00068-16Request Preview01 0527 0DRG PacificGerman State Railways (DR) [01 0527 0]Osnabruck, Hamburg, Rheine etc 9/1972
Rebuilt Pacific engine of the East German Railway, originally had the number 01 225, these engines regularly pulled interzonal trains between the two Germanies. A Henschel machine from 1938, it was renumbered in 1970, and ran until 1984.. Our thanks to
ITC00488-03Request Preview58020BREL Class 58Mainline [58020 Doncaster Works]Eastleigh 09/05/2002
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
TC00008-15Request Preview47379Class 47 Class 47British Rail Railfreight [47379]
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
CSc00731Request PreviewL17Metro Cammell Battery Electric LocomotiveLondon Underground [L17]Ruislip
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00499-36Request Preview92030Brush Class 92Railfreight Distribution [92030 Ashford]Rugby 08/04/2004
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
CSc01773Request Preview90028BREL Class 90EWS [90028 Vrachtverbinding]Toton
SNCB livery. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00461-09Request PreviewD821British Railways Class 42British Railways (Preserved) [D821 Greyhound]Toton
Also shows D345. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00444-22Request Preview56039BREL Class 56Loadhaul [56039]Barnetby 19/7/1997
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
SMC00239-35Request Preview56106BREL Class 56Loadhaul [56106]Carlisle
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
LP00070-13Request Preview086-160-9Not known Class 86Deutsche Bundesbahn [086-160-9]Bavaria 9/1971
. Our thanks to Peter Free for cataloguing this image
ITC00490-14Request Preview92004Brush Class 92Railfreight Distribution [92004 Jane Austen]Rugby 21/06/2002
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
TC00012-05Request PreviewUnknownClass 47 Class 47British Rail
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
CSc00791Request Preview303083Pressed Steel Class 303Scotrail [303083]Glasgow Central
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
RGc00742-02Request PreviewDiesel/Electric trainElectro Motive Diesel JT42CWR diesel heavy freight trainFreightliner Group [66520]
. Our thanks to John Butler for cataloguing this image
ITC00501-20Request Preview92028Brush Class 92EWS [92028 Saint Saens]Nuneaton 23/04/2004
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00410-09Request Preview50001Class 50 Class 50British Rail Network SouthEast [50001 Dreadnought]Clapham Junction 20/8/1990
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
CSc02050Request Preview222General Motors 201 ClassIarnrod Eireann [222]
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00464-17Request Preview86261English Electric Class 86EWS [86261 The Rail Charter Partnership]Stafford 29/6/1999
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
ITC00430-19Request Preview56103BREL Class 56British Rail Railfreight Construction Sector [56103]Peterborough 21/6/1994
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
CSc02688Request Preview37280English Electric Class 37British Rail Railfreight Petroleum Sector [37280]
. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image
LLC00122-03Request Preview156480BREL Class 156 SprinterNorthern Spirit [156480]7/1999
Route: Leeds. Our thanks to Robin Bennett for cataloguing this image