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1,760 results found, displaying on 36 pages (click any column heading to sort).
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Cat#sort iconPreviewIdentSubjectOperatorLocationQualityRemarks
DTc00116-11Request PreviewPier 86 46th StreetUSS Intrepid & Tour Boats . [.] . waterfront SceneManhattan-New York USA
DTc00116-12Request PreviewHarbour Scene. . waterfront SceneManhattan-New York USAPier 86 46th Street Manhattan New York
DTc00116-13Request PreviewWaterfront Scenewaterfront SceneManhattan-New York USAPier 86 46th Street Manhattan New York
DTc00116-14Request PreviewWaterfront Scenewaterfront SceneManhattan-New York USAPier 86 46th Street Manhattan New York
DTc00116-15Request PreviewWaterfront Scenewaterfront SceneManhattan-New York USAManhattan, New York USA
DTc00116-16Request PreviewWaterfront Scenewaterfront SceneManhattan-New York USA [World trade Centers-prior to 9/11]Manhattan, New York USA
DTc00116-17Request PreviewWaterfront Scenewaterfront SceneManhattan-New York USA [World trade Centers-prior to 9/11]Manhattan, New York USA
DTc00116-18Request PreviewWaterfront Scenewaterfront SceneManhattan-New York USA [World trade Centers-prior to 9/11]Manhattan, New York USA
DTc00116-19Request PreviewWaterfront Scenewaterfront SceneManhattan-New York USA [World trade Centers-prior to 9/11]Manhattan, New York USA
DTc00116-20Request PreviewWaterfront Scenewaterfront SceneManhattan-New York USA [World trade Centers-prior to 9/11]Manhattan, New York USA
DTc00116-22Request PreviewWaterfront Scenewaterfront SceneManhattan-New York USA [Statue of Liberty-New York Harbour]Manhattan, New York USA
DTc00116-23Request PreviewWaterfront Scenewaterfront SceneManhattan-New York USA [World trade Centers-prior to 9/11]Manhattan, New York USA
DTc00116-24Request PreviewWaterfront Scenewaterfront SceneManhattan-New York USA [Statue of Liberty-New York Harbour]Manhattan, New York USA
DTc00116-25Request PreviewWaterfront Scenewaterfront SceneManhattan-New York USA [Brooklyn Bridge New York]Manhattan, New York USA
DTc00143-06Request PreviewCruise LinerIMO 9293399 113561 tonnes fincantieri S.p.A Trieste Italy cruise linerPrincess Cruise Lines- Carnival PLC [Crown Princess]
DTc00144-04Request PreviewCruise Liner23191 tonnes G Ansaldo & Co.Genoa Italy 1956 cruise linerRegency Cruises Nassau [M V Regent Sea]
DTc00144-05Request PreviewCruise Liner702 ft Length 29076 Tonnes cruise linerCosta Cruises [Costa Riviera]
DTc00149-07Request PreviewCruise LinerIMO 9293399 113561 tonnes fincantieri S.p.A Trieste Italy cruise linerPrincess Cruise Lines- Carnival PLC [Crown Princess]
GM00024-B1Request PreviewRiminiJ Samuel White & CoR. Medway @ Maidstone 1958
Tied up on river
GM00044-ARequest PreviewAdmiral CouchmanRochester airport
Sea Devon XK895 behind
GM00044-BRequest PreviewAdmiral CouchmanRochester airport
Sea Devon XK895 behind
GM00045-ARequest PreviewHMS OberonChatham Dockyard 27/9/62
Keel laying ceremony
GM00045-CRequest PreviewHMS OberonChatham Dockyard 27/9/62
Keel laying ceremony
GM00047-ARequest PreviewT S Arethusa arriving Chatham DockyardShaftesbury SocietyChatham Dockyard
Arriving with tugs Energetic and Prompt in attendance
GM00047-Ad1Request PreviewEnergeticTugChatham Dockyard
GM00047-BRequest PreviewT S ArethusaShaftesbury SocietyChatham Dockyard
Arriving with tugs Prompt and TID172 in attendance
GM00047-CRequest PreviewT S ArethusaShaftesbury SocietyChatham Dockyard
docking Tug TID172 alongside
GM00047-DRequest PreviewT S ArethusaShaftesbury SocietyChatham Dockyard
Arriving with tugs Energetic, TID 172 and two others in attendance
GM00047-ERequest PreviewT S ArethusaShaftesbury SocietyChatham Dockyard
Under tow with tug Energetic
GM00053Image GM00053HMS VidalChatham Dockyard Survey ship 1,940 tonnes 1,940 tonnesRoyal NavyChatham
Coming alongside at Chatham. Nice shot but exact date unknown - can anybody help?
GM00069-01Request Preview93 03476 (USN)American Ford Galaxy SedanUnited States NavyCuxton, Kent c1962/3
Crashed vehicle after impact with Ford Thames Trader
GM00073-01Request PreviewHMS BlackpoolRoyal Navy [F77]Chatham dockyard c1961/62
Comming alongside
GM00073-02Image GM00073-02HMS BlackpoolRoyal Navy [F77]Chatham dockyard c1961/62
Comming alongside (A bit closer than 01)
GM00085-01Request PreviewLady SharonR.Medway c1960
alongside other vessels inc. Thomas Watson (Rochester)
GM00085-02Request PreviewLady SharonR.Medway c1960
alongside other vessels inc. barges 'Stanley' and 'James'
GM00085-02d1Request PreviewStanleyBargeR.Medway c1960
GM00087-01Request PreviewHMS Opossum [S19]Oberon ClassRoyan Navy [S19]Chatham Dockyard c1960
alongside, seen from water
GM00087-02Request PreviewHMS Opossum [S19]Oberon ClassRoyan Navy [S19]Chatham Dockyard c1960
alongside, seen from water (USE 01)
GM00116Request PreviewHMS Bramble [M11]MinesweeperRoyal Navy [M11]Chatham Dockyard c1960
GM00120Request PreviewMiraMedway c1960
tied up
GM00121-01Request PreviewTehuelcheSalvage vesselArgentine Navy [81]Chatham 18/3/61
alongside. Formally submarine rescue ship HMS Kingfisher. Sold to Argentina Dec 1960 and left Chatham in April 1961. Later pennant number Q-81 and renamed 'Guardiamarina Zicari'
GM00121-02Request PreviewTehuelcheArgentine Navy [81]Chatham 18/3/61
alongside. Formally submarine rescue ship HMS Kingfisher. Sold to Argentina Dec 1960 and left Chatham in April 1961. Later pennant number Q-81 and renamed 'Guardiamarina Zicari' (USE 01)
GM00122-01Request PreviewHMS OcelotOberon class submarineRoyal NavyChatham Dockyard 4/5/62
finnishing touches prior to launch
GM00122-02Request PreviewHMS OcelotOberon class submarineRoyal NavyChatham Dockyard 4/5/62
view looking forward inside assembly shed prior to launch
GM00122-03Request PreviewHMS OcelotOberon class submarineRoyal NavyChatham Dockyard 4/5/62
view looking forward inside assembly shed prior to launch. Shot includes railway trucks marked 'S.N.S.O. For Internal Use Only', various mobile cranes also in shot
GM00122-04Request PreviewHMS OcelotOberon class submarineRoyal NavyChatham Dockyard 4/5/62
tail end and workmen greasing slipway in readiness for launch on following day
GM00122-05Request PreviewHMS OcelotOberon class submarineRoyal NavyChatham Dockyard 5/5/62
Launch. Going down slipway
GM00122-06Image GM00122-06HMS OcelotOberon class submarineRoyal NavyChatham Dockyard 5/5/62
Launch. Empty slipway, boat in distance, crowds in erection shed
GM00123Request PreviewLady SharonRochester c1960
At anchor during dock strike. Various tugs, barges and sailing barges moored alongside.
GM00124Image GM00124HMS ChichesterFairfield Aircraft Direction FrigateRoyal Navy [F59]Chatham c1960
at anchor. Photo shows ship in as-built state before reconstruction in 1964.